Sope World/sope

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Author: temptaeted
Summary: In which Hoseok is anxious about the release of Hope World but Yoongi's always there to tell him how proud he is. Them fucking to said Mixtape wasn't exactly the plan though.

"Good night, sleep well!" Hoseok said, smiling one last time into the camera and then he turned the live stream off.

In seconds, the studio that was filled with laughter and talking before was now filled with silence.

He leaned back on his desk chair and let out a long exhale.

He made it.

After years of producing and teasing, he finally released his Mixtape.

He worked hard on it, spent nights in the studio, used every free minute he could get to continue producing. Even when they had schedules overseas, he still tried his best to write lyrics or find inspiration for a new beat.

So much time had passed. He remembered every frustrating minute. When he couldn't help but cry because he couldn't find that one part that made the beat sound off. When he was about to discard the idea of releasing a Mixtape at all. Producing nearly completely on his own while having a hectic schedule as a Bangtan member and all those extra dance sessions he forced himself to do exhausted him a lot.

Of course, he loved all of this, it was his dream after all, sometimes he just forgot to appreciate the things he had while chasing everything he wanted.

His long fingers brushed the hair out of his face and he closed his eyes, letting everything sink in and he allowed himself to finally relax. To finally breathe again.

His hands left his hair, rubbing over his face to wake him up a little bit and he straightened himself again.

He opened a new tab on his computer and after a few minutes, calming tunes filled the room.

Normally Hoseok would listen to something more vibrant and hip hop like, but today he needed music that made him comfortable and calm.

His fingers tapped on the desk before him, adding a small beat to the already playing music.

If he was being honest, he had no clue what he should do now. He didn't need to work on songs and it was too late to start dance practice. The other members were at home in their flat, probably minding their own business or playing video games as usual.

He could go home and sleep or play games too but he liked being in his studio. Liked being alone from time to time.

He was about to scroll through his social media for a while when he heard a small knock on his door.

Hoseok was confused. It was late at night, normally people wouldn't interrupt him at this time when he was in the studio, especially because his door was often locked to make sure that it would keep him concentrated on the things he was working on.

"Come in, the door is open." He called out, hoping it was loud enough for the other person outside to hear.

After a few seconds, he heard the door behind him slowly opening and he turned around in his chair, wondering who the unknown person could be.

Well, he definitely was surprised when he spotted that familiar looking blond hair and a little bit unsure looking Yoongi. He didn't think Yoongi would be still in the building and if he would have been, he prefered to stay in his studio all night, not leaving until he was finished with the project he was working on.

The only reasonable possibility was that Yoongi came from the dorm to see him.

But Hoseok didn't even want to think something like that. He and Yoongi were pretty close, but in the end, still friends. Yoongi didn't seem to be a person that would make his way out of his dorm and a warm bed to the studio at nearly 2am just to see a band member.

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