B1 The Demon King's close aide lets out a sigh at the conference

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I'm walking on the long hallway.

A petite back is diagonally in front of me.

About two heads lower than me.

Because of that, the walking speed is considerably slower than me.

Thanks to that, I must move slower than usual.

It's difficult. but I can't overtake.

Because the girl walking in front is the current Demon King.

After advancing through the long hallway, we arrived in front of a door.

Then, Maou-sama stops walking.

To be honest, I don't want to open this door.

Although I don't want to open it, I must open it.

I swallow the sigh that almost leaks out unintentionally and open the door.

And, I give way to Maou-sama, and lower my head respectfully.

Maou-sama stepped into the room as if it was natural without giving a glance to me.

I confirm that Maou-sama has entered the room, and I followed afterwards.

I close the door quietly so that there's no sound.

The room that I looked back was the so-called conference room.

The round table around the seat of honor where Maou-sama should sit is at the center of the room.

10 men and women have already sat down on their seat at the round table.

Half of the number in the room who stood up according to Maou-sama's entrance.

The remaining half sit as it is on the seat.

The problem is that my younger brother is included in the guys who sat on the seat.

I push back the sigh that's going to come out into my throat again.

I pull Demon King's chair, and prompt her to sit.

As expected, Maou-sama sat down with a casual gesture which didn't have the fragment of elegance without giving a glance to me.

I didn't overlook that some of those who sat in a row frown.

Maou-sama probably didn't overlook it either.

It's obvious because she enjoys seeing the reaction.

I think that it's a bad taste, but if even I show such an expression, I don't know what will be said later.

Maintaining a poker face is the most effective against this Maou-sama.

「Then, I shall start the conference. Balto」


It's the holding signal of Maou-sama.

I who answer it briefly.

To put it bluntly, when Maou-sama finish giving the holding signal, she has no more act in here.

Because I'm the one who advances the progress of the conference and all of the practices.

It was forced to me.

「Then, at first, let's hear about the reports of each quarter. Report in order from the first army」

The usual flow of this conference is to hear the activity report of the army deployed in various places.

The one who stood to my words is the Commander of the First Army, Agna who's said to served as the general since the Demon King of two generations ago.

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