Side Chapter 24: The Elro Great Labyrinth capture ①

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The place that can't be known where.

Huge space.

One woman was there.

The woman leaves only a part of the upper body, and most of her body blend into the space like disappearing.

It was a very pitiful appearance.

And, words are muttered mechanically from the mouth.

『Skill proficiency reached』

『Experience points has reached a certain degree』

『Skill proficiency reached』


『It's painful』

I jump nimbly.

I confirm the surroundings in a hurry.

The faint lamp that lights.

The illuminated wall is the natural rock surface, and the ground also has the hardness that can be understand even from a sleeping bag.

The Elro Great Labyrinth Upper Layer.

I recall the place where I am and the situation.

That's right, we came to this Elro Great Labyrinth to cross the continent.

Today is the second day after we dive into the labyrinth.

Because now is midnight, the lookout was changed, and I was taking my sleep.

I wipe off the sweats.

What was the dream a while ago?

「Are you all right?」

Sensei looks into my face from the side.

The lookout is changed with one set of two people.

The present lookout is Sensei and Basgas-san.

It seems that she call out to me worrying after seeing that I had a nightmare and jumped.

「I'm all right. It's only because my dream was a little bad」

I laugh to deceive it.

It's actually the fact.

「That's a bad omen」

Basgas-san joins in to my words that I'm trying to elude lightly.

「Is it an omen?」

「Yeah. Do you know it? The story of the Labyrinth's Nightmare」

「No, I never heard of it」

The Basgas-san who usually has a loud voice, lowers his voice when the present state that the surroundings are sleeping.

It's like talking about ghost story, a gloomy atmosphere is brought.

「I heard it before. If I'm not mistaken, it was the word that indicate the Myth rank monster that appeared suddenly in the labyrinth more than ten years ago」

「You know it」

Myth rank monster.

It's said that those monsters are assumed to be impossible to deal by people with the Over S danger degree.

「The Nightmare is the living calamity of the Elro Great Labyrinth that's equal to the queen. To have a nightmare like this, it might be an omen of the Nightmare's appearance, you know?」

「But, if I'm not mistaken, wasn't the monster subjugated?」

「It's said so to the people」

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