Chapter 3

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No one's POV

Is this real?lylia asked and a tears of joy is falling on her cheek harley smiled at her and went at her to kiss his beloved Woman.

Yes it is, im happy you two are now fine we are so worried. Lylia and nana smiled at their sister and kiss their cheek.

Now miya and kagura put the food on the table and sat at the chair.

While eating something came at nana's Head so she asked.

So How do you all survive?Miya and kagura smiked and spoke.


Miya and Kagura is at the north now there is a lot of monsters and they killed it all but their captain is so strong miya fall on the river but ofcourse she can swim.

And there she saw harley and harith she save harith and kagura jump at the river and swam finding miya and there she saw miya helping Harith and Harley.

Kagura help miya to carry harley.

Luckily Harley and Harith is still breathing.

Tgen an old man came there which shocked tge old man saw a heroes so he help them.

When they are all at the house harith and harley are sleeping at the bed The old man cast a spell to wake them.

When harley woke up he started panicking and spoke.

Where am i where is lylia where is everyone and did i broke the spell?Kagura sit at the side of harley's bed and talk.

You fall on the deep river so we save you both and ofcourse lylia's spell was broken now.Harkedy sigh in relief.

In a days Roberto Started teaching them a spell to make them powerful (well roberto is The old man)

End Of Flashbacks.

That's all? Kagura nod and they just smiled.

Then lylia asked.

Why me and nana is here? Kagura sigh and miya spoke

Harley and Harith save you at the villains. Lylia nod and thank them.

Well we need to go there is a lot to do in moniyan you know.

Yeah lylia is right we should go now. But harith and harley Shake their head and spoke.

Rest here for three days and train to defeat the new enemy. Harley spoke nana and lylia look at each other and nod.

Then we should go to our room now for a rest. Lylia Reason that is obvious she's planning something.

Kagura harley harith and miya nod.

When lylia arrive at her room she jump at the window and run same at nana little did they know harith and harley follow them.

Then they catch the two ladies and carry them a bridal style nana and lylia pout and cross their arm.

Harley put lylia down at the couch same at nana kagura nad miya was shocked and glare at their sister's that make them look away and mumble some words.

We are going now we have a lot of work to do! Nana and lylia shout in the same time.

Harley and Harith shook their head and go to their room to change a clothes.

Then someone knock at the door nana came and open the doir and Ofcourse make her really shocked.

Lylia was Confused so she go to their to and saw...

M-mother. Lylia whispered.

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