Chapter Four

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I hop out of my truck, the heat causing me to instantly sweat. I bump into Ashton, almost on purpose and laugh as he jumps then laughs along with me. I wink at him and pull my bag over my shoulder. I lock my truck and turn to the school, not waiting for Ashton to follow.

"Is that going to become a habit ?" He asks, walking beside me into the building.

I shrug and bump my hip against his. "That's for me to know, and you to find out."

He looks down at me, groaning then letting out a small laugh. I wink and he shakes his head, remembering his text from a few nights ago. I bump him with my hip again, only strong enough for him to lose his balance.

"Oh you're gonna get it!" He shouts at me, causing me to squeal. I take off running into the school, pushing passed the people inside. I shout out apologies to the people I bump into. I push further and further, glancing back to find Ashton almost on my heels. I come to a painful stop, tipping over my foot and falling into someone, taking both of us down. I hear the person groan beneath me. I quickly climb off, Luke sitting up. Ashton lets out loud laughter behind us, he sound echoing down the hall. Luke rubs his head, sending a playful glare my way. I give a huge smile at him. "It was Ashton's fault."

Luke scowls at him and Ashton throws his arms up in defence. "It wasn't me!"

Luke just chuckles and gets up, holding his hand out to me. I take it, being lifted swiftly to my feet. I give him a toothy grin, "thanks Lukey!"

His grin falls into a pout. "Lukey? C'mon, Kimmy!"

I scowl at him and smack his arm. "Kid. Nothing more, nothing less. Understand?"

He smirks at me. "Sure, Kimmy."

I let out a growl and grab my bag off the floor, throwing it on my shoulder and pushing passed him. My blood boiled. Kimmy. Only my father called me that, the sick asshole. I feel tears well up in my eyes and I break into another run, pushing into the bathroom and into a stall. I let the tears flow, sobs escaping my chest. The door creaks open, and I hear a deep voice.

"Kid, I'm sorry."

"Luke, this is the girl's bathroom. You shouldn't be in here." I sniffle, wiping underneath my eyes. "You should leave."

"No," he insisted. I hear feet pad across the bathroom, and I see under the stall door Luke's legs and bum as he sits on the other side. "I'm not leaving until you do. I'm sorry for pushing you. Come out and tell me why?"

"No, it's too personal."


I sigh and open the door, crawling to Luke's other side and slumping against the wall. "My dad used to call me Kimmy. Only he could. Kimberly was my mom's name and that's why I'm Elizah Kimberly, after her. And my brother Elliot Carson after my dad, Carson. According to my dad, I looked a lot like my mom. She died when I was thirteen, and my dad went insane. He started calling me Kimmy then, trying to keep the thought of my mom alive. At first, I loved it, but soon he started doing stuff. My aunt found out, called the cops, he was arrested, end of story. It just opens old wounds hearing that name."

"I'm so sorry, Kid. I really am." Luke apologized. He opens up his arms, pulling me into a hug. I fall into his arms, burying my face in his shoulder. The bell rings, signalling the classes beginning. I pull away, but rest my head on his shoulder, not attempting to get up at anytime. Luke nudges my side. "Can I ask a question?"

I shrug. "What do you want to know?"

"What things did he do?" Luke was hesitant and I saw this question coming.

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