Chapter Seven

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I sigh and sink further into the hot water of the tub, letting the warmth and the scents relax the soreness that has taken over my back. The vibration of my cell phone catches my attention and I grab the device, pulling it closer to me.

Ashton: what happened with Calum yesterday?

Kid: who did you visit at the beach?

Ashton: if I tell you, will you tell me? :$

Kid: maybe

Ashton: I was with Lana. She didn't want me telling because she thinks its weird dating your friends.


Ashton: Ship?

Kid: yeah, like I want you guys to be together in a relationSHIP idk internet slang

Ashton: im so behind on lingo. Now you and cal, what happened!

Kid: honestly, nothing. We sat at the beach getting to know each other

Ashton: good, I think he's got a crush on you

Kid: uhhhhh. This is where I'm starting to find a problem

Ashton: the band?

Kid: yeah... kinda

Ashton: and do you like cal back

Kid: I don't think so, maybe ugh

Ashton: oh god




Ashton: let him down easy?

Kid: If it were just that easy

Ashton: how on earth did you manage this

Kid: I was hoping youd tell me

Ashton: this really is a pickle

Kid: no shit. But it gets worse

Ashton: are you kidding

Kid: Uh no

Ashton: what is it

Kid: I think I like someone else

Ashton: luke?

Kid: that obvious?

Ashton: for me yeah

Kid: did lana tell you

Ashton: I got caught. I repeat I got caught

Kid: oh god ash youre such a turd

I stand from the tub, draining the water and wrapping my towel around my body. I quick slide my housecoat over top and sprint out of the bathroom and into my room with phone in hand. Once safely in my room with the door shut, I strip the housecoat and lay across my window seat with just the towel covering my parts. I open the texting app once again.

Ashton: its what i do best

Kid: ugh what do I do? I cant be with either of them and be in the band and cant I just hope luke stops being a sweetheart and calum stops liking me

Ashton: you can always try

Kid: what great help you are 8/

Ashton: wait a minute

Kid: what?

Ashton: why did you leave Canada

I groan at the thought of my previous mistakes. How do I word my past in a way he won't look at me differently? Ashton was my friend from the beginning, right from the start of this large sauna called a country. Okay, I've got this.

Kid: i was with the wrong crowd, i messed up a LOT

Ashton: so like a bad girl?

Kid: yep i guess

Ashton: why not be that bad girl again? Luke would stop being nice and calum will change how he looks at you

Kid: i came here to get away from that

Ashton: but dont you want to get them off your back

Kid: wont they hate me

Ashton: its a shot in the dark kid

Kid: well gimme a few days. Shits gonna happen

I stand and toss my phone onto the large bed across the room. It bounces a few times before riquocheting off the wall at an awkward angle and landing on the floor, sliding under my desk. "Well, shit," I curse quietly.

I sigh and shrug it off, heading to my dresser. Now, what the hell do I wear?

A/N: sorry about this a/n, for each chapter I've decided I'm going to post a song and why i chose it. This is the only 'texting' chapter I have but thats because its really important to the story line. *shakes head at ashton* anyways. Please like vote subscribe, follow my twitter/tumblr, message me, anything. Ily all.
Song: Jessica- Down With Webster
Basically change Jessica to Luke and that's how Kid feels to Calum.

(Ayyye, so this is the second AN, just wanted to let you know I changed it a little. Okay ily)

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