Chapter Ten

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"Ashton, don't fight me on this."

"I'm not fighting you, I'm trying to keep you from doing the wrong thing!"

"It's not the wrong thing to do. It's the wrong time to be doing this kind of thing."

"It's a good idea, Kid. It'll help with the plan."

"Who's side are you on, Lana?"


"There's no such thing as the wrong time. You're going to regret not doing it sooner."

I narrow my eyes at him and purse my lips in a thin line. He was right. Now's the right time. I relax and bite my lip. "You're right. I'm just scared it's gonna hurt."

"Man up," he yells, holding back his laughter. Before he can say another word, he's doubled over in laughter. Lana laughs along side him, burying her face is his lap.

I let out an exasperated groan. "Stop laughing. I'm a wuss when it comes to pain."

"It's a tattoo that's gonna take five minutes at most," he retorts, placing his hands on his knees in an attempt to catch his breath.

I sink further into my bed, pouting furiously. He sits back into the bean bag and smirks at me. I glare over at him. "Stop it. I'm going to just cancel and ask for my money back."

"Oh no you're not!" Lana retaliates. "There is no way you're not getting your first tattoo on your birthday. You have to. Especially with the plan."

I roll my eyes at his over exaggeration of the word have. I tuck my knees under my body and I roll onto my stomach, kicking my feet back and forth through the air. "Well, I disagree. I will NOT be getting a tattoo and I will be curled up in bed watching Marvel movies on my laptop. That way I avoid a tattoo and boys. I could potentially stay there forever. Problem solved."

"Problem not solved. They know where you live," Ashton smirks, throwing his arm carelessly around Lana's shoulders.

I scrunch my eyebrows. "Lana, guess it's time to move again."

"Get over yourself, the plan isn't that bad. Hang out with that Dayton chick. She seems like the type to get you into bad trouble." Lana interjects, playing with Ashton's knuckles.

Ashton nods. "You can't run from this, Kid. I know Mikey would be willing to help."

"How so?" I ask.

"I can dye your hair, find you some new clothes with Dayton's help, and get you into the wrong crowd," Michael says, strolling into my room with a slice of pizza and a coke in his hand, scaring me half to death.

I flop backwards onto my bed. "Who let you in? And who let you give me heart failure?"

"I let him in," Lana replies.

"I let him stop your heart," Ashton jokes, earning a small amount of laughter from the other two.

Michael sits down on one of the other four bean bags, leaning back and propping his feet up on my bed. He lolls his head to one side and claps, "so what's your plan guys?"

I groan. "I keep ignoring what they say, except I know Ashtray thinks I need to get a tattoo."

"Tattoo?" Michael snorts. "You couldn't survive the pain, and it's not worth the money for a scheme to get rid of two guys. Who are ours friends. Wait, Ash, why are we helping again?"

"Because we love Kid," Ashton winks at me. "And because we know Luke and Calum would basically hospitalize each other if they both kept advancing her."

"Kid, you are one big shit disturber," Lana giggles, taking Ashton's bandana and placing it upon her head. They look at each other, both blushing the same shade of red.

I roll my eyes and look over at Michael. Suddenly, an idea forms in my head. I jump up to my feet, letting out a squeal. "GUYSGUYSGUYSGUYSGUYS!I HAD THE BEST IDEA!"

"What!" The three shout together. I sit on my bed, my legs bouncing in excitement as I go into detail about my master plan it was almost fool proof

I step into the air-conditioned mall, thankful it relieved some of my burnt skin. I'm as white as Casper the ghost, burning was inevitable. I walk with my hands in my sweat shirt pocket. At least I wore shorts today. Lana hooked her arm around mine, Dayton's around my other, and Sheila hooked to Lana. I groaned. "I don't need to go shopping."

"You have two pairs of shorts, you need more," Lana snaps, dragging me towards the first store. "And a dress for your birthday dinner."

"We'll go pick out some things and you try them on, k?" Sheila smiles, rushing off. She actually just said 'k'. I suppress a laugh and turn to Dayton.

"What about you?" I ask her, playing with the hem line of my baggy University sweater from somewhere in Alberta.

"I'm gonna go to some of my favourite stores. Get you hair dye, some actual clothes you'll wear, and maybe a borrito from the new Taco Bell they got here. Want one?" She dictates, her voice smooth and oddly relaxing.

"Of course I want a burrito," I smile, thanking her as she leaves. I turn to Lana. "I like her."

Lana smiles back. "Good, she'll make the plan easier."

"I'm surprised she agreed to come along," I admit, walking beside my shorter cousin. "Gonna go find some things?"

Lana nods and skips off to find me an outfit. I look around the store, mostly pink and frilly. I see something interesting and walk towards it. I pull it off the rack and admire it. It was a beautiful dress, dark blue with a sweetheart neckline and halter strap. I smile at the simplicity and turn to find Sheila or Lana. I spot Sheila's bright blonde hair and call to her, holding up the dress. She smiles and nods. "Head to the dressing room."

I do as she says and head to the back of the store. I sit in the change room stall with the door open, waiting for them to come back. Lana appears first, four dresses, three shirts, two sweater things for dresses, five pairs of dark skinny jeans, around nine pairs of jean shorts, and at least six crop top things. She hangs everything on the wall and steps out, looking for Sheila.

She lands her eyes on the blonde and waves her over. Sheila dances over, an excited smile on her face. She hands Lana the clothes and Lana separates everything into outfits. "Try each one on and come out so we can see."

I groan. "This is gonna be a long day."

I manage to try on one outfit before Dayton enters the premises, holding up the bag of Taco Bell. "I bring energy for doing this girly shit we seem to be doing."

"You life savour!" I cry out at the taller, pastel pink haired girl. She attempts to hide a smile, but gives in, baring her bright and toothy smile. I rush back into the change room and put my regular clothes back on before stepping out. I immediately grab a burrito and chomp it down, taking five minutes to eat its entirety. I step back into the little stall and put on the dress I chose. I shyly step out from behind the door and clear my throat at the chatty girls. "What do you think?"

"Holy fuck, it's perfect."

Song: She Got Style by Never Shout Never because of the makeover at the end. Lmfao i just at this

^^old ans make me laugh

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