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James nearly gets away with it. Nearly. Steve doesn't even pretend to want to see him, and the other good-byes are mercifully shallow. But in the end Sam corners him. Probably because James isn't really trying that hard any more. It's not important, is it? Steve wants to take his whole Avenger business elsewhere, and he's been clear Bucky is not invited to the party. That officially means James can stop trying to impress the lot of them.

Still it's a little annoying; because Sam is supposed to be the one respecting borders and privacy and other crap, but he walks right in on James while he's supposed to be changing for the whole freezing thing. But hey, shit like that never bothered the Asset, right? And that was only ever the light version; the Asset was. Of James. James is above annoyance. So, he pulls his eyes away from the stupid surgical gown -soft pink and cut too high at the back; no doubt another quip by the Princess he has not quite grasped yet- and aims a questioning glare at Sam.

Sam is suspiciously untouched; crosses his arms with one eyebrow raised. Like James owes him. Accuses, with an up-tilt of the chin. "Do I need to guess?"

A sigh escapes Bucky as he drops the flimsy material, and he tries to get into the right mind-set. Because James shouldn't be burning these bridges. Sticking to consistency is important in this game. Besides, if he is to stay in Wakanda, he'll probably be expected to act civil around these people. James recognises the truth of this argument, yet Bucky pretends not to have the energy.

After a few seconds of silence, Sam draws his own conclusion. He nods,; steps forward, voice hard like he's wringing a confession. "You kissed him, didn't you?"

And James cannot stop the snorting laugh. Kissed Steve? Kissing was an understatement. Bucky had closed his eyes; gone in all the way. Had not let the resistance of lips nor the clang of their teeth coming together slow him down. Not one bit. He'd thrust his tongue right on past that surprised hiss of air until it lodged down Steve's big dumb throat. Right in. He had shown Steve; James had shown him that he loved him, in the most honest way he knew.

And Steve had run.

Well, fine. James had made an educated bet; he'd thought it was a good gamble. But sometimes you play your hand and go home rich. And sometimes.. sometimes you play the same hand and you're left broke. No matter. He'd work out some contingency plans. Would find another way to have his needs would be met. With or without Steve. Perhaps Shuri; Shuri would see his worth. And he'd bet she wouldn't run at the first hint of affection.

"You can't just.." Sam sighs, like James cares. Like he should. "Look, you spooked Steve pretty bad, okay?"

Well, wasn't that just cute. Captain America in full rout, and all it took was one little kiss. It was nice to know the Winter Soldier hadn't lost his touch when it came to intimidation. Even if James had apparently got his signals crossed: Both ways, because James's kiss might have been pertrifying,his glare now aimed at Sam did next to nothing. Didn't even shut the usually stoic man up. "James, you gotto remember, that man is from a world where kissing another guy is bad; straight up sinning bad, okay?"

James bristles, steps close —Sam is hardly a small man, but Bucky has some height on him, not to mention mass and reputation. "Allright," another half a step has him looming over the slighter man, and James lets his tone drop dangerously and threateningly: "What? You're here for the comical retelling?"

"Of course not!" Shock, though no fear. It annoys James; annoys him, though he'd made friends with Sam before. But, should those truly be mutually exclusive? Will he never retain some small measure of esteem when he lets a person close? Perhaps he needs to rip off the Falcon's wings again. Would he need to make it a monthly occurrence, to keep a hint of respect? No; who is James kidding? A hint of unease would be good enough.

Joy ride (part1): StealingWhere stories live. Discover now