morning grooming

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James lives in a state of bliss. He's made it to paradise and hooked himself in good. Wakanda; the promised land. A day in and he's feeling like a king in his castle. Well; not the actual king. The actual king is of course, T'Challa. A hard-working saint of a man that seems as deeply involved in his people's daily troubles as geopolitical tensions. No, James is more like the king's couch-crashing lazy friend from his college days. The one that dropped out and fell off the maps, and has now drifted back from obscurity with a scruffy beard, matted long hair, and only one arm.

No matter. Looking at the grand scheme of things, he's got it made. James has his own rooms, filled with closets and furniture and appliances and all sorts of things. It's more like an indoor house really. There's a kitchen, stocked with supplies and food-stuffs and all sorts of novel machines to make the preparation easy. Not that James is expected to fend for his own meals; he had an outstanding invitation for a public dinner and when he opted to stay in, several meals were delivered, still piping hot and fresh.

Adjacent lies a dining room with a table big enough to seat a whole swat-team. At least two guest rooms; two more that have no actual beds, but James wouldn't know what else to use them for, so he's guessing those should be counted as well.

And everything, everything is opulent and comfortable and perfect. Couch cushions that sink around his fingers without losing any of their ergonomic seat-shape when he presses his hand into them. A TV the size of a small suv lining his one windowless wall. Pillars of dark marble breaking the overbearing size of the rooms. Floor-to-ceiling windows that open easily, marble walls cooling what the sun beams heating plush carpets.

But best of all he likes the bathroom. Something of moderate size, with only one door and a feeling of privacy born from blinded windows and no discernible surveillance. Outfitted with the greatest gifts of modern man: his very own shower and a private bathtub. Oh yeah. He thinks back in the day showers were the novelty. And, yes; when he tried it yesterday, James had to agree. Much as he has his reservations on showers in general, the one in his magical Wakanda bathroom certainly is one; a marvel. With settings ranging from a sprinkling of rainwater down from the ceiling to scalding torrents fired from the lengths of all four corners poles. It was, in one word, an experience. Stunning.

But James had enough excitement yesterday, so for today he takes an old-fashioned bath.

Well, small amendment: old-fashioned bathtubs were nothing like this back in his day. The backrest vibrates and kneads his muscles. There are pulsing water muzzles and bubbles.. It's great. Except the bubbles. They are loud in his ears and cool the water, and James likes it extra hot. Not that there's no easy fix: he simply adds more hot water while he bubbles and relaxes. After washing his hair for a third time, he decides, fuck it and adds shampoo straight to the water to make it foam.

James sinks back with a sigh, enjoying the heat and bubbling cacophony while he considers the Wakanda Princess. An angel made flesh. She is beautiful and smart and human and kind. How lucky could he get? Oh, he knows she can be fiesty. He knows she is powerful; a whole country of magic warriors at her feet. He knows she's a doctor and a scientist and all doctors are sadists; all scientist psychopaths. And prodigies are the worst, always looking to prove themselves.

Shuri is not like that. Nothing like the Hydra girls; willing to turn their ambition into ruthless cruelty, just to be allowed into the old-boys club. Nothing like the Ruski women either; hard and jaded and unwilling to show anyone a hint of mercy, least of all themselves.

No; Shuri is a princess; a sheltered kind soul. She may have a sharp tongue at times, but that's just the kid in her putting on a brave face. Determined to draw first blood with a quirk of the lips and a teasing lilt in her voice, when she knows she is out of her depth. Putting her fears into words so they will lose their power over her.

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