family sit-down

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James arrives at breakfast fashionably late, in vogue with Wakanda's casual dress, and more out of place and noticeable than he's ever been. He enters straight through the center of the wide doors, with his own private Dora announcing his name. Mohai; his new friend. What luck the Dora standing guard outside his quarters was also the one whose spear he had borrowed. Back when he was chasing the insurgent, or better said chasing Steve, who was chasing the insurgent. It feels like a life-time ago, now. But of course, that is what happens after cryo. One chapter closed, another started. A better one, he hopes.

The Dora's name is Mohai. And she had been quite upset with him still. Small surprises there; a Dora without a spear is an unarmed Dora. So, the woman had practically missed the whole chase. Apparently that had been the most exciting thing to happen in the palace in a long time. And Mohai had missed it. Still a connection was a connection and there had been enough excitement for everyone when James had been in cryo. An usurper to the throne and a civil war and everything. And that time Mohai had been part of the action, and James had listened to her retelling and understood as only he can— putting into words and validating the sped-up of her heart in excitement here, the turn of her voice and the smell of frustration there. She is no longer upset with him.

Of course, that one was easy. This, here, would be the big test. Breakfast with the family: four people look up from their meal and discussion at the high table: the two Royal siblings, General Okoye and a dignified older woman seated diagonally opposite of the King. James pauses on the threshold dutifully and gives his best grin. Inspects the room without looking. These are the people he really needs to befriend.

Not the King; T'Challa publicly proclaimed he owed James a depth, and this is not the kind of man to go back on his word easily. Not Okoye either; not now. Though he understands the need to win her favor; has already read how close she and Shuri are from those few interactions he's witnessed, he would not know where to begin. Her distrust of him is palpable and the kind of grand gestures or unbreakable vows that might change her mind are beyond what he has to offer. Perhaps at a different time, in a different setting, but not today.

No; it is the older woman who can only be the queen mother that he needs to impress: Sure, privately Shuri might like him well enough. Still, right now he is just a project. He will remain one until Shuri has replaced his missing arm. After that, he can only guess. The Scientific mind is soon bored of a project, and James would sooner be of other interests than prodding and soldering. He thinks he has her though; he can make her smile and sometimes laugh and she looks at him with more than casual interest. Still, just in the way Shuri is angled towards queen Ramonda tells him she will listen to her mother on this. If the mother takes offence.. Well, being put to pasture might not be so bad here. They've surprised him before.

Still stuck on the threshold, James realises he might have waited too long. They are staring and it's getting awkward. He is not unused to the scrutiny. A lot of his hits have been done in plain sight. Right in the open, without anyone realising. James felt like a magician at times. Eyes one the hands; but of course, other times like a germ or, again at other times like a prize. He's considering doing a little bow, or even a curtsy because that might make Shuri smile; or it would had it been just the two of them. What is she even expecting in this setting? He really wishes she'd have explained. Now he's left guessing again.

But T'Challa is already waving him over, saving him from making any damning decisions too soon. James answers T'Challa's smile with his own, and choses the seat straight from him —which, ideally, puts him between Shuri and the stately woman. He smiles at her as well; careful and questing, and she hides a grin behind a cup of koffie. Not the worst beginning, James thinks.

If T'Challa is offended he does not show it. Simply sits back and angles to the side a bit so he can see past the artistically sculpted mount of pastries, and asks. "So, James. How are you faring post-freeze? I hope you slept well?"

Joy ride (part1): StealingWhere stories live. Discover now