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James sighs, arms crossed over the railing, chin-hair rubbing against his real arm, more beard than stubble by now scratching into his flesh arm, the vibranium one beneath pressed flush against the heavy marble railing. Through the hand he can half-hear Shuri's stunted conversation with her brother, two floors up and on the other side of the courtyard. Brother and sister exhausted, but getting ready for another round.

But M'Baku and his old witch have stepped out for now, and their tired strategizing is a lot less interesting than the curtain of his hair, waving in his face. Tickling his cheekbones at the ends and pulling at the roots on his scalp in the dark, swaying softly in the night's wind. Shuri brushed it for him, putting in some oily cream that he does not know the name for, even if it made her late for her meeting. It smells divine. Reminds him of her, and James feels relaxed, loose content.

A slow yawn surprises him; because he doesn't think he should be tired by now. Shuri, yes. Shuri would be exhausted by now. But, brilliant as she is, she is human. James can go weeks without an hour of sleep. And it has hardly been that long. Still his eyelids flutter near closed. Perhaps, he is a little bored? Or perhaps it's because of the rustling of the leaves, from the garden below. It's a calming sound. Slow and near-rhythmic. Perhaps, he should return to his quarters? He doubts Shuri is done for the night; from what he's heard, this is but a recess. And James does not like the thought of leaving his princess alone, when M'Baku returns. Yet, if he's realistic there's very little chance of the man trying anything underhanded. Not here. Not with the Black Panther in the room with him.

Although he sometimes worries about the king. T'Challa makes little sense to James, all friendly smiles and soft words. Even in these talks all he does is reason and bargain. Not even once losing temper. Which would be a great strategy, if those around him knew this but a guise; if they expected a knife in the back any day.

But, of course, in Wakanda, that will not be happening. That would be dishonest; dishonorable. Then again, even if M'Baku doesn't fear T'Challa, he does seem to respect him. And even if the king is not as perfect and smart as Shuri, her brother must be the next best thing. Perhaps. Perhaps James could just retire; crawl into that giant bed all alone and actually...

Instincts prime, and James coils up, body folding down against the railing sideways, cheek pressed to stone so his silhouette falls away into the shape of the balcony. Best vantage, minimum chance of discovery. He knows that low voice. And the other voice as well. The old crone advisor. A witch that had sat close to M'Baku at the dinner; that was present at the meeting just now, her voice short interruptions to T'Challa's long-winded pleas.

The old, wrinkled, woman steps into view first. A shriveled up shadow inside her furs reflecting the few specks of light on this moonless night. Her tone is sour, hard. A wise-woman schooling her charge; the larger-than-life visage of the Mountain King reduced to the role of schoolboy. And safe from his vantage point above, James nearly smirks at the image. Until he realises what they are discussing. "Colonizer.."

The last of his soft content flows out, replaced by angry knots as his eyes follow the two shadows unblinkingly. His line of vision is impaired by more dark shapes; bushes and overhanging branches, the crunch of pebbles underfoot is loud in his ears. Obstructions, and the old crone's hissed words are only a whisper in comparison. Still, James's training allows him to pick out every word of her thick Jabari dialect. "You cannot let the Panther talk you into moving the Chalice. It was placed in our hands four-hundred-and-fifty years ago, our ancestors promised to keep it safe in the temple. It has not been moved once since. If a dreamer needs the chalice to awaken them, they are brought to it, not the other way around."

"I know.." M'Baku's strong baritone is more easily overheard. "But, now you make it sound like you want me to take the girl into our Jabari mountain."

Joy ride (part1): StealingWhere stories live. Discover now