chapter 8

344 13 7

🌜 { 3rd person POV }

HEY I SAID LET GO! - tsukki yelled while you were still draging him by his hand.

I can walk to the roof top without YOU DRAGGING ME YOU KNOW!

° ° °

okay we're finally here


Let's sit on those benches next to the fence.

You started walking over to the benches while Tsukki followed behind you.

"Okay why did you drag me up here?"- Tsukki said with his usual cold voice.

Well I wanted to talk about something with you.

If it's about last night, don't.

you looked at him with a cold face and said - it's kinda connected but please listen to me.

He turned his head and looked at you - "talk." He said with a angry tone

well, I don't know how to say this.

Just say it how it is.


ok. He said as he started getting up

You took his wrist and held it tight.

"Tsukki I-"

should I say it?

Your thoughts were cut of by a feeling of somebodys hands around you. It was Tsukishima, he had pulled you in a small hug.

" I know you are too obvious idiot "

"shut up tree." You said while ignoring his hug, your head was in tsukishimas chest area, on purpose, so you could  hide your blush.

You suddenly started feeling something hitting your shoulders and your head, you looked up and saw the rain was starting once again.
When is it going to stop?

Tsukishina let go and you ran inside along with the other students who were on the rooftop. You and Tsukishima went back to your classroom and ate your lunch there, eventually Yamaguchi came in and joined you.

Your fun ended after you heard a familiar bell that you hear almost everyday.

Everybody took out their notebooks and waited for the teacher, he was late like always. You looked out of the window and went back to your thoughts.

Does he actually like me? If he knew I liked him, why didn't he say or do anything? Does he really want to- no... It can't be... he doesn't like me...

As the teacher walked into the classroom you snapped out of your thoughts as quick as possible.

the classes went on as the rain was pouring outside. The sound of rain hitting the window was distracting to you, and all the thoughts that came. But you managed to keep your focus. The classes were kind of boring but you were already being mentally absent enough all the time and you could get in some trouble couse of your deep thoughts.

After all the classes ended and you started walking home, as you were about to leave the school grounds trought the front gate you felt a hand on your shoulder, you turned around to see Yamaguchi.

Hey Yams!

L/n, it's pouring outside do you have an umbrella?


well you should come with us to the gym, after the practice the rain will probably stop.

meh it's probably better for me to go home you know.

Rain (haikyuu Tsukishima X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now