Back To School

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I groggily sat up. I grabbed my phone to check the time. "Oh shit." I cursed, falling off my bed. It was 7:34am. I rushed out of bed to my bathroom. I grabbed my tooth brush and some Colgate. I finished brushing and grabbed my Listerine mouth wash and rinsed. I grabbed my wash cloth and washed my face because I showered last night. I through my hair into a bun. Not sloppy but it was okay. I grabbed some mascara and applied it to my face.
I'm so fancy
You already know
I'm in the fast lane
My phone was ringing it, was my Bestfriend, that was her ring tone.
I rushed out the bathroom to answer it. "Hello."
"Come outside I'm here."
"Sorry to make us late but give me 5 minutes."
"Okay hurry up."
I rushed to put on my clothes. I dashed down the steps and put on my Air Jordan's. I raced to the kitchen to get my book bag and a pop tart. I grabbed my keys off the hook and made my way outside. I locked the front door and hopped in the car with my Bestfriend. "Can you stop at Starbucks?" I asked, sleep still clear in my voice. "Sure thing." She chirped a little to happy for it to be 8:20am.
We pulled up to the drive-thru. "What can I get for you today?" The starlady asked. "I'll have a vinti caramel frappachino." I said politely. "Will that be all?" She asked in the same polite manner.
"Yep that's all." I said. "Your total is $5.29 pull around to the next window please. My Bestfriend Ciara pulled around to the next window. As I was pulling of my wallet CiCi said, "I got it." Then she hand in the lady a $6 and said "Keep the change."
I grabbed my drink and we pulled off.

We arrived at the school. I grabbed my vinti and my book bag. When I entered the school the first person I saw was my other Bestfriend Ashley.
I ran up to her and enveloped her into a hug. Then CiCi came up right behind us. "So I hear Brandon Miles is having a party tonight to celebrate the beginning of the year." Ashley said way to excitedly. "I'm not going." I stated in a firm voice. "Little Miss Nerd never gets out." She said clearly not caring about my previous sentence. "Okay, fine if I go you have to let me choose what I want to wear, deal?" I said biting my lip.
"Deal!" They chirped in unison. "So since we all have the same schedule let's get to class." Just as I was about to walk off someone pulled me by my shirt. "How do you we have the same schedule?" Ciara asked curiously. "Well I might have bribed my mom to bribe the school to give us the same schedule, but don't worry we have different electives." I said in a small voice. "How much?" Ashley questioned in a monotone voice. "$1,000 a piece." my voice getting smaller. "Don't kill me yet but I know who some of the people in are class are." I said.

Our first class was AP English. My friends weren't nerds but they were smart. I entered the class and took a seat in the middle. I heard Mrs. Johnson spits during her lectures, and I did not want to be apart of that. Everyone else scurried in the class just as the bell sounded.
"Take your seats and settle down. The first book we will read in this class is To Kill A Mocking Bird." The class groaned. This book wasn't anything new to me, I read it in 9th grade, call me an overachiever but I got bored. It's actually a very interesting book.
As Mrs. Johnson droned on about the book I slouched in my seat. In the middle of her boring lecture the school's bad boy strolled in as if he wasn't 20 minutes last to class.
"May I help you Mr. Cossom." She said clearly not appreciative of his tardiness. "I'm taking AP, surprising right?" He said with a smirk plastered upon his face. "Well I shocked to say the least but you can have a seat next to Lisa." She said. I opened and closed my mouth like a fish ready to object, but then I just closed my mouth.
"So as I was saying...."
25 Minutes Later
Just then the bell rang. Talk about saved by the bell, because Daniel aka Mr.Cossom was just telling me about how he got laid this morning. I walked out the classroom disgust clearly written all over my face. Someone tapped me. I turned around only to be yanked into the girls bathroom.

"Stay away from Daniel."

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