Part 08

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"You're pouting." Ro pointed out.
"Am not." Keefe replied, it came out muffled because he was sumushing his face against the pillow.
"Surreee Hunkyhair sure. It's not like you've been pouting the entire week because your girl's avoiding you."
Keef lifted his head up to argue but thought the better of it because he was in fact, pouting. He was in a bad place right now...
He groaned into the pillow. He had two decisions, go to Havenfield and finally confront Sophie, while bringing up things he does NOT want to bring up. Or he could stay here in denial of his feelings and argue with his bodyguard upto the point she decapitates him.
He was still preferring the former.
"First of all she's not MY girl." Ro snorted, Keefe decided to ignore. "Second Sophie will..."
He scrunched his eyebrows together.
"Sophie will what?" Keefe ignored her, he was... It was nothing.
Before he could continue a knock came through the door. Keefe groaned, what more could improve this day he was having.
“Back to nag me already? You seriously need to get yourself a hobby. I hear spelunking’s fun. Oooh, or you could try swimming with the krakens! I doubt they’d eat you—but maybe we’ll get lucky!”
He expected his father to barge in, ignoring everything he said but...

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