Part 2 The Portal

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"So you want hear another story, and not just any story, a story about how two lovebirds met each other and fell in love oh and don't worry this isn't your everyday romantic, wholesome, story, no, this is Pandora and we greet each other with a bullet to the head that was I thought my fate would be but I got something much worse but it's not so bad being dead, I get to talk to you and I'm still not sure where am I but at least I've got you to talk to, what's that you don't want to talk to me you just want to get on with the story, FINE, we'll get on with the story, you must really hate me that much, our story starts with Natsu and Happy" Marcus says.

(1 year earlier)

"Natsu, Natsu, Natsu" Happy says shaking Natsu to wake up "what Happy don't you know it's 3am in the morning" Natsu says "Yeah but I found something and I think you should come see it please quick it's important" Happy says tugging Natsu "ok, ok, ok I'm getting up ok" Natsu says getting up he rubs his eyes "it's this way we must hurry" Happy says taking Nastu to the thing he found.

"Is that a portal" Natsu says "I'm not sure, maybe" Happy says "where you here when it appeared" Natsu says "no I was just walking and I heard a noise and when I came over I found it here" Happy says "hmmm" Natsu says he reaches his hand out to the portal " "WAIT" Happy shouts Natsu looks at Happy but a hand comes out the portal and grabs Natsu pulling him through the portal "NATSU" happy shouts jumping through the portal.

The portal suddenly closes after Happy jumps through a golaith is holding Natsu up by the neck Natsu sees Happy "RUN HAPPY" Natsu shouts a couple of pyscho's see Happy and they all scream "FOOD" they begin to chase Happy "no please stop I just want my friend that's all I mean you no harm" Happy says.

The pyscho's continues to chase Happy, one of the pyscho's throw his buzz axe skimming happy's head they back Happy into the corner and they slowly begin to walk towards him making sure he can't escape the pyscho's laugh then they jump at Happy, Happy closes his eyes then looks away he can't watch his death he waits but nothing happens he opens his eyes and looks and the pyscho's are being held up by some kind of purple ball a woman with blue hair and blue tattoos going down her arm is holding them up with her power.

"CHARGE MINIONS" a little yellow robot shouts running into battle a pyscho jumps onto the yellow robot and starts to hit him with his axe "AH MINIONS HELP ME" the yellow robot says "godamn it Claptrap" a woman with Red hair and red tattoos going down her arm says.

She's jumps into the air and fire wings come out her back and she smashes into the ground killing the pyscho's around her and killing the pyscho on the yellow robot "pretty lady watch out" a man with a mask shouts a pyscho is about to hit the woman with blue hair when the guy with the mask grabs the pyscho and starts to smash his head off the ground "NEVER EVER FUTHERMUCKING THINK OF HURTING THE PRETTY LADY" the man with the mask says "it's prounced mother fucking you idiot" the voice inside the man's head says "shit" the goliath says he throws Natsu and begins to mutate.

Natsu goes flying through the air when a robot catches him "nice catch, Deathtrap" a girl with pony tails says the goliath roars and runs at them but the woman with the blue tattoos holds him up with her power then the man with the mask jumps into the air "I HAVE THE SHINEST MEAT BICYCLE" the man shouts he then smashes his buzz axe into his skull killing him.

"Thank you for saving us" Happy says "YOU'RE WELCOME MEAT PUPPET" the man with the mask says, the girl with the pig tails walks over with her robot Deathtrap who is holding Natsu the woman with the red tattoos looks at Natsu "you ok" she says "Yeah thanks for saving us" Natsu says "no problem it's what we do" the Woman says "oh my god he's so cute" she thinks to herself.

Happy jumps onto Natsu's shoulder "you alright Happy" Natsu says "yeah" Happy says "So were are you two from" the woman with the blue tattoos says "we're not from around here I don't even think this is our reality or even timeline" Natsu says "huh do you know how you got here" the woman with the blue tattoos says "Well there was a portal and I kind of dragged through it and now I'm here haha" Natsu says "don't worry we'll get you back to your world" the girl with pig tails says she is holding onto his arm and feeling it "uh of course Gaige is the first to go for him" the girl with blue tattoos thinks to herself.

"There's not much we can do from here until we figure out why the portal opened up so maybe you'd like to come back with us to Sanctuary" the woman with the red tattoos says "Sanctuary" Natsu says confused "Yeah it's a town we live in its safe I promise my Friend Tannis is there she's a scientist she'll be able to give you an answer on how you got here hopefully" the woman with the red tattoos says "eh yeah sure I guess where is this Sanctuary" Natsu says "not that far we'll get Marcus to come pick us up in the meantime we'll wait here" the woman says with the red tattoos says.

They all stand around awkwardly not saying anything until the man with mask decides to say something to the woman with the blue tattoos "Pretty lady" he says "Yeah Kreig" the woman with the blue tattoos says "I lobe you" Kreig says "what" the woman says "I lobe you" Kreig says "eh ok" the woman says she walks over to Natsu.

Kreig sighs "it's pronounced Love you come on we've been over this 100's of times it's simple three letters I-Love-You, that's it" the voice says inside his head "So what's your name" the girl with blue tattoos says "Natsu and this is my friend Happy" Natsu says "oh what a lovely name well my name is Maya" the girl with the blue tattoos says "and I'm Lilith" the woman says with the red tattoos says "and I'm Gaige" the girl with the pig tails says "well it's nice to meet you all" Natsu says "oh and almost forget that's claptrap" Lilith says pointing to the yellow robot searching the corpses.

"And what about him over there" Natsu says pointing to Kreig who is sitting down hitting his buzz axe on the ground "that's Kreig" Maya says "he looks depressed" Natsu says "Yeah he's crazy and a pyscho but he doesn't hurt us and he has more intelligence" Maya says "I'm gonna go talk to him" Natsu says walking over to Kreig "you alright bud" Natsu says "I HAVE THE SHINEST MEAT BICYCLE" Kreig shouts "oh that's pretty cool I guess" Natsu says "Can you go one day without screaming your desire to ride a bicycle made of meat please" the voice says in his head "So eh I just wanted to thank you for killing that fat guy before" Natsu says, "say thank you" the voice in his head says Kreig looks up at Natsu and nods.

A horn suddenly beeps and a bus rolls up to them the shutters open up and a fat guy climbs out "So I heard you say something about two new people and I was wondering where are these two people they might make great customer's for my shop" the fat guy says "oh yeah Natsu, Happy, Kreig come over here we're leavng" Lilith shouts.

Natsu, Happy and Kreig walk over to the bus "ah you two must be the newbies eh oh one of you is a cat" the fat guy says "I'm actually an Exceed" Happy says "oh you can talk too" the fat guys says "Yeah maybe we should discuss this once we get out of here Marcus" Lilith says "oh yeah of course of course" the fat guys says getting back into the drivers seat everybody gets on the bus.

"Is everybody ready to go, yes, good" Marcus says driving the bus, he begins to drive them to Sanctuary.

"And that is the end of the first part of this book and I know what you're thinking why am I breaking the fourth wall because I can and I'm the one telling the story, bet you were hoping for me to die in the first part well nope I'm still alive deal with it haha, only joking keep your gun away, anyway like I was saying that is the end of the first part of this book and I kind of left you on a cliffhanger didn't I with all the woman wanting to date Natsu now this leaves us to a question who we will he date and who will he be with at the end of it all you'll find out soon enough if you want to leave who you think he will be with first in the comments go for it and see if your right when the next part gets realeased which I can't really tell you when because the author would rather watch shitty YouTube vids or play Rainbow Six Siege with his mates, sorry for the swearing but I assure you I'll make sure he gets another part out in the next couple of days to not leave you hanging" Marcus says

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