Part 5 Colliding Universes

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As they're driving back to Sanctuary a portal opens up above them and a man covered in white paint and red tribal stripes falls out the sky and onto the technical Tina yells and she brings the car to a sudden stop and the guy is still on the front of the technical he jumps of it and pulls out his axe "where am I this isn't Ancient Norway" the man says "you're in Pandora" Tina says "Pandora what's that" the man says "this is Pandora are you ok, who are you by the way" Morty says the man puts his axe in the ground and does a stance.

"Oh here we go a show off" Tina says "I am Kratos The God Of War" the man says "Well that's cool eh yeah so this is Pandora and we really should be going" Tina says "wait, wait, maybe he could help us we can't just leave him here" Natsu says "there's no time and I mean look at him he's got giant muscles along with a giant ass axe and not to mention he just said he's the God Of War so I'm sure he'll be fine" Tina says "oh come on Tina he might know some info on why this is happening" Morty says "SHUT UP MORTY NOBODY CARES" Tina says she looks at Kratos "come on then" Tina says "thank you" Kratos says he jumps into the back of the technical with the guy with the helmet and they start to drive back to Sanctuary again.

Kratos looks at the guy with the helmet "so you look like a man that's took down a titan before what's your name" Kratos says the guy looks at Kratos and heavy metal music begins to play as he's looking at him "ok" Kratos says "so do you know why you're here" Natsu says "No a portal opened up and I fell through it when trying to take down Daudi Hamarr then I ended up here" Kratos says "Same happened to me I went through a portal too" Natsu says "really" Kratos says "yeah still don't know why I'm here we're still trying to find that out" Natsu says they finally arrive at Sanctuary thet all jump out the technical and run inside they run back to Tannis's office Tina knocks on the door.

Lilith answers the door "so glad you're all here come in quick who are they" Liltih says "just some people we found" Natsu says they all enter and when they do the door closes behind them and a platform begins to lower "so what's the emergency" Tina says "I think we all might be in danger we could all face extinction this is even worse then The Destroyer" Lilith says the platform finishes lowering and they all go through a door and they all gather round a giant map on a table next to the table is a man with asian hat on and his eyes are glowing blue and next to him is a girl with Orange pants and a device on her chest is standing next to him.

"This is Raiden and Tracer they also went through a portal and ended up in Pandora" Lilith says "hey loves you guys end up here too" Tracer says "not us but Natsu and Kratos and.." Tina says looking at the guy with the helmet heavy metal music begins to play again "eh I'm not sure" Tina says "Doomguy also known as the Doom Slayer" Raiden says the guy with the helmet pulls out a shotgun and charges Raiden he puts the shotgun up to his throat "Its alright I know the pain you went through I'm not a threat I assure you I just had a vision of you for some reason so you can calm down" Raiden says the heavy metal music slowly dies down and he backs up.

"Thank you anyway we were talking about how it's possible our universe's have collided because someone opened the portals to our universe's" Raiden says "who would have that much power though" Brick says Lilith and Tannis look at each other "TYREEN" they both say at the same time suddenly they hear an explosion go off above them "shit" Morty says they all run onto the platform and it begins to go up "come on you piece of shit go faster" Tannis says the platform finnaly reaches the top and Sanctuary is under attack by an unknown force they all run into the center of it and they see a guy in black with a black mask on choking Moxxi to death with some kind of power he sees the others and he quickly snaps Moxxi's neck with his power.

He then throws her corpse away he begins to walk towards them his breathing is loud but slow he's breathing through a respirator "leave them alone you bastard" Gaige shouts Deathtrap begins to battle the guy but he pulls out a metal object and he activates it and a heat blade comes out he slices Deathtrap's head off killing him "DEATHTRAP" Gaige shouts she begins to shoot the guy with a Maliwan smg but he deflects them all with his saber one of the energy bullets hits Gaige and she stumbles back a bit the guy then grabs her with his power and holds her up and he begins to choke her too the others then open fire on the guy but he uses his other hand to deflect the bullets with his saber when the others stop to reload the guy puts Gaige on the ground and slices her in half from the head to the toes.

"Gaige no" Natsu says lightly his entire body glows red and he charges the guy he charges up a fire dragon breath attack and he breathes fire on the guy but the fire does nothing to the guy, "you are weak against the dark side" the guy says he then tries to slice Natsu in half with his saber but Natsu dodges it "Natsu I am your father" the guy says "No that's impossible" Natsu says "are you sure about that" the guy says he then shows him a photo album of him and Natsu together "This never happened" Natsu says "then explain this" the guy says he shows him a picture of him as a baby and the guy holding him in his arms.

"ENOUGH" Kratos shouts he throws his axe and it smashes straight into the guys face knocking him backwards Kratos walks over to him and takes his axe out and takes the guys mask off and he smashes his axe straight into his face killing him "was that real" Natsu says "not sure who cares just try not to think about it" Kratos says suddenly a giant beam of light shoots into the air in the distance "do you think that's them" Tannis says "it's got to be them and that's where we're going" Lilith says suddenly a motorbike drops out the sky "woah" Natsu says it's a badass motorbike with the name Cavaliere on it Natsu gets on it and he starts it up and it works "Hey Lilith should I meet you guys there me and Tina will drive this" Natsu says, Tina goes red "Sure Tina you go with Natsu and we'll see you there and don't die" Lilith says "we won't" Natsu says, Tina gets on the motorbike with Natsu and she wraps her arms around his chest "ok you ready" Natsu says "ready when you are sexy" Tina says "Ok let's do this" Natsu says he then begins to drive to the giant beam of light in the air.

When they're driving there Natsu says "Tina I've really wanted to tell you this for a while well ever since I met you and I think now is the best time to do it" Nati says "yeah" Tina says "well I really like you like a lot" Natsu says his face goes red "I like you too" Tina says "wait really" Natsu says "Yeah you're cool, talented, sexy and I love your personality actually all the girls do" Tina says "Wait really" Natsu says "Yeah maybe we could be your harem hehe" Tina says "Yeah maybe I guess" Natsu says he continues to drive to the beam of light in the sky.

"Oh for fuck sake what do you want can't you see I'm busy with my two girls Kayla and Chloe" Marcus says sitting in a hot tub with them "what's that you want to know how I'm still alive, well Kayla and Chloe here found me and nursed me back to health also being dead is the best thing ever I get to hang out with my two bae's so please leave me alone cunt" Marcus says suddenly time stops "you can't be saying that" Kayla says "Yeah now you might have pissed him of" Chloe says "who" Marcus says suddenly Marcus falls through the hot tub and begins to fall into a pit of darkness "Well not this bullshit again see you in the next part I guess" Marcus says as he falls through the darkness.

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