Part 3 Sanctuary

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"Ok I want to say something on behalf of the author yes this is based in Borderlands 3 and I know we moved onto a ship and named it Sanctuary but for this book this Sanctuary will be the one from Borderlands 2 with that being said let's get on with the story" Marcus says

(Back to the story)

As they're driving to Sanctuary Giage says "so Natsu do you have a girlfriend" Natsu looks at Gaige who is smiling "Eh...." Natsu says he begins to think of what to say Happy looks at him and thinks to himself "come on you're married man to Lucy remember" "eh no I don't have a girlfriend, I'm actually single" Natsu says, Happy facepalms "oh well I'm sure you'll find someone" Gaige says she rests her head on his shoulder while Natsu looks out the window the other girls look at her pissed off she sticks her tongue out at them and does her famous mug shot face.

"We're here" Marcus says the bus then stops  they all get off and Marcus drives away "If you need me I'll know where you are" Marcus shouts "So this is Sanctuary" Natsu says "Yep our home" Lilith says "come on we'll show you inside" Gaige says she...

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"We're here" Marcus says the bus then stops  they all get off and Marcus drives away "If you need me I'll know where you are" Marcus shouts "So this is Sanctuary" Natsu says "Yep our home" Lilith says "come on we'll show you inside" Gaige says she runs into Sanctuary with him "godamn it Gaige" Lilith says "Oh come on I'm sure he'll get bored of her soon then he'll go for one of us then it's on" Maya says giving a Lilith a death look "oh yeah you know it" Lilth says giving Maya a death stare, Claptrap drives past them and says "I don't think he'll go for either of you" Lilith and Maya look at each other then they look at Claptrap.

"You little piece of shit" Liltih and Maya shout they chase after Claptrap who is now driving away faster trying to get away from Maya and Lilith, Kreig looks at Maya and sighs "don't worry man we'll figure something out sure she likes that new guy but we can't lose hope now just tell her how you feel" the voice inside Kreig's head says, Kreig looks like he's about to burst and rage but he just sighs again and starts to walk over to Sanctuary.

They all get inside Sanctuary and Natsu is amazed "you like it" Gaige says "Yeah this looks awesome" Natsu says "well come on I've got so much to show you" Gaige says dragging Natsu through Sanctuary.

Kreig looks around and he can't see Maya he then walks over to a building and he goes to the back of it and he pushes one of the walls and it opens up he then goes through it and puts it back properly he then turns around and he walks over to his little desk he made and he sits in it he has a little scrap book inside the book is all the moments he has had with Maya he then begins to add more things to it.

(Meanwhile Gaige and Natsu enter Moxxi's bar)

Gaige pulls Natsu over to Moxxi's bar "hey Moxxi" Gaige says "hey Gaige says "Hey Gaige" Moxxi says she then sees Natsu and she drops both of her drinks on the ground she walks over to Natsu "well hello Sugar what's your name" Moxxi says "Natsu" Natsu says "Natsu I like that name very sexy name" Moxxi says licking her lips "Eh ok" Natsu says Gaige realises then she asks Natsu to go wait outside she then turns to Moxxi "I don't know what you're thinking you're doing trying to charm him I saw him first he's mine ok" Gaige says "sure if that's what you want to think, can't say he won't fall in love with me when he sees my body" Moxxi says squeezing her tits Gaige storms out pissed off.

When she gets out Maya and Liltih are talking to him "hello" Gaige says "hi Gaige we were just taking about going to meet Lilith's friend who is gonna help me get out of here" Natsu says "oh" Gaige says her smile begins to drop "right this way Natsu" Lilith says taking Natsu's hand Gaige and Maya are left together.

"So how was it" Maya says "what do you mean" Gaige says "Well you were hogging him taking him around the entire town" Maya says "it was fun but I made the mistake of taking him to Moxxi's" Gaige says "you took him to Moxxi's are you crazy you know she wins over every guy with her body" Maya says "not this time" Gaige says pulling out a gun.

"What are you gonna do kill her" Maya says "no" Gaige says putting her gun away "What are we gonna do" Maya says "just keep her away from him" Gaige says "Ok yeah shouldn't be too hard" Maya says.


Lilith and Natsu get too Tannis's office they knock on the door and she answers the door "Oh hello Lilith and hello Random Stranger I've never met who I bet we'll have lots of great conversation together" Tannis says "we've got a little problem we need help with" Lilith says "Oh ok come on in then" Tannis says she let's Lilith in but then when Natsu tries to enter Tannis stops him.

"You'll need to wait out here sorry I don't know where you came from and I don't feel comfortable with you entering my lab" Tannis says she shuts the door and Natsu is left alone once again he sits on the porch of the office and he waits.

(5 minutes later)

Happy finnaly finds him and runs over to him he huffs and puffs "I've been trying to find you" Happy says almost passing out "Yeah I kind of got dragged around sorry" Natsu says "it's alright but I found this when trying to find you" Happy says giving him a little pendant he looks at it and it's got a komodo dragon's head on it.

"Hmm do you know what it is" Natsu says "no idea I just found it when I was walking around there was a severed head next too it too but I left the head" Happy says "probably for the best" Natsu says the door then suddenly opens and Lilith gives Natsu a note "What's this for" Natsu says "just give it to this girl Marcus will take you to the girl he'll be waiting outside" Lilith says "are you coming with me" Natsu says "no I'd love to but I've got to stay here I'll see you soon ok love" Lilith says she shuts the door.

Natsu looks at Happy he shrugs his shoulders "ok then guess we gotta go now and get back on that bus with that fat guy, Marcus I think his name was suddenly something comes crashing from the sky it's Marcus his eyes are glowing white he punches Natsu in the face and grabs his head then knees him in the face stunning Natsu he pulls out his shotgun and blows his head off with his shotgun "Natsu" Happy shouts he starts to cry "oh don't worry you'll join your friend in hell" Marcus says his eyes flash red then he shoots Happy in the chest his small little heart falls out and Marcus grabs it and rips it out Happy falls to the ground and the last thing he sees is Marcus kissing Happy's heart then throwing it back at him THE END.

"Joking ok I joke that's not really the end jeez calm down stop crying Natsu and Happy didn't really die ok I'm sorry I put that in the story ok I was just getting bored there was no action in this part and I know how much people love action, ok, ok, I'll undo this back to the story" Marcus says.

(Back to the story before Marcus smashed into the ground from the sky)

Natsu and Happy exit Sanctuary and there he is waiting with his bus he opens the doors and Happy and Natsu get on, Marcus closes the doors and he begins to drive to the destination.

"So where are we going" Natsu says "I've been given specific orders not to tell you by Lilith it's a surprise that's all I'll say" Marcus says "Hey wanna see a trick" Natsu says "sure" Marcus says, Natsu create a fireball in his hand and he eats it "pretty cool right" Natsu says "eh I've seen a pyscho drink a bottle of gasoline then set himself on fire I'm not that impressed" Marcus says "oh, well could you tell us what this is" Natsu says he gives Marcus the pendant Happy found "Marcus looks at it "hmmmm I'm not sure" Marcus says suddenly a kunai smashes through the window and smashes straight into Marcus's skull.

"GET OVER HERE" someone shouts they then pull the kunai tearing Marcus's head off "shit" Natsu says a person wearing yellow and a mask is standing in front of the bus the bus swerves and the person pulls out a flaming sword and slices the bus in half the impact of the crash knocks Natsu onto the ground the person in yellow walks over to Natsu slowly.

"You aren't worthy" the person says his blade goes on fire and he swings his blade down onto Natsu.

"Dun, dun, cliffhanger, I know bitch move right I hate cliffhangers you just want to find out what happens now don't you been there mate been there but lets take a look on the other problem all the girls like Natsu they are all competing to be with him but who will Natsu go with who knows well I know because I'm the one telling the story and I bet some of you are happy now that I'm dead like I said I always thought I'd be killed by a bullet and not some oops almost spoiled a bit there well I'm gonna go before I say anything that might spoil the next part see you in the next part reader, I still have no fucking clue where I am" Marcus says

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