Part 7 The End

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(I will admit I'm lacked on this ending sorry about that but my mind went blank and I couldn't think of how to make this interesting sorry)

Godzilla shakes his head trying to get Kratos off but Kratos holds onto his blades that are embedded into Godzilla's head Lilith flies up into the air and starts to shoot it with her gun Tyreen turns around and walks over to Natsu, Gaige and Tina "this world could have been yours together we could have took it over but you decided not to awww don't look so sad I'll make your death quick for you" Tyreen says she pulls out a gun and is about to shoot him but something shoots Tyreen in the back she turns around and Tracer is shooting her Tyreen charges up a fireball attack but suddenly Raiden begins to electrocute her she falls to the ground and Raiden walks towards her while electrocuting her he finishes her off by charging up a lighting strike and shoots it at her head exploding her head.

A little bright ball comes out of Tyreen and hits Natsu his hands go back on fire and his power returns to him he stands up and sees Godzilla charging up a giant beam he opens his mouth and the beam of light shoots at Natsu but his entire body goes on fire and the beam of light does nothing to him Natsu then charges up a ball of fire and shouts to Kratos, Maya and Liltih "GET DOWN" he then throws his fireball at Godzilla and it goes straight through his chest leaving a massive hole in his chest Godzilla falls to the ground Kratos is about to finish him off when suddenly Godzilla's body get disintegrated.

"What the hell" Lilith says a chain suddenly wraps around Tracer and the chain gets pulled and she gets disintegrated too they turn around and the skull guy is back "not this fucker again" Tina says she begins to shoot him she shoots him in the head multiple times but it does nothing she goes through an entire clip "he's immortal" Raiden says "how do you know" Tina says, Kratos charges the guy and smashes his axe into his skull but the axe smashes against his skull.

The guy grabs Kratos by the neck and Kratos's neck begins to get burned the guy starts to tighten his grip and Doomguy tries to pull the guy off Kratos but he can't "reverse the portals" Kratos says he then also gets disintegrated Doomguy shoots at the guy with his chaingun and the guy begins to walk towards him.

Lilith thinks about what Kratos said and she looks at the portal in front of her "we have to reverse the portal" she says to Maya "ok let's do this" Maya says they then begin to reverse the portal with their siren powers.

Doomguy pulls out his crucible and he tries to hit the guy with it but he grabs the crucible and smashes his hand into his stomach the guy disintegrates doomguy insides killing him he then turns to Raiden and begins to walk towards him "Raiden right" the guy says "how do you know my name" Raiden says "I've been sent straight out of hell my name Ghost Rider" the guy says he then dashes towards Raiden and grabs him by the neck "any last words before I claim your soul" Ghost Rider says "Hey fire fuck" Lilith says, Ghost Rider looks at Lilith "go back to hell" she says then portal then sparks and begins to suck everything back into it including the bodies.

Ghost Rider begins to get pulled into it he resists it by digging his blade into the ground as he's about to get sucked in he throws his chain at Raiden and it wraps around him "you're coming with me" Ghost Rider says he then let's go of his blade and he gets sucked into the portal "RAIDEN NO" Lilith shouts, Raiden smiles at her before he goes through the portal "it's gonna be ok" he says it then suddenly closes "Raiden" Lilith says she kneels down and on the floor is a medallion with his face on it she picks it up and looks around "I'm sorry she says clutching it to her heart, Natsu walks over to her and puts his hand on her shoulder.

"I'm sorry" Natsu says tears begin to roll down Lilith's cheeks "he's gone" she says crying into Natsu's shoulder "he wouldn't want to see you like this" Natsu says "Yeah you're right" Lilith says sniffling "You're right I've got to be strong" Lilith says she inhales and exhales Tina comes over "so what now" she says "we get Natsu back to his own universe" Lilith says "wait what no not so soon please" Tina says "he needs to be in his own universe to be there there for the people he cares about" Lilith says "I'm already with the people I care about, I want to stay here if that's ok" Natsu says "yeah sure if that's what you want" Lilith says "Oh my god, oh my god, you're staying no way are you being serious" Tina says "yeah I could never leave you" Natsu says Tina's eyes light up "ok we should head back to Sanctuary" Lilith says "Ok see you there I guess" Natsu says getting on his motorbike Tina gets on too "oh no I'll see you there" Lilith says she then suddenly disappears Maya disappears too.

"Wow what a cheater" Natsu says "wanna race" Gaige says on her hoverboard "sure" Natsu says they do a countdown and then they speed off to Sanctuary.

(Meanwhile back at the site)

"Ok we're here, were's the fight" Claptrap says "eh I think they did it" Happy says "are you kidding me" Claptrap says "I can't believe they did it" Happy says "MOTHERFUCKER" Claptrap shouts, THE END (I know a weird place to end it with that little convo there I wanted to end it like a film where the character says something then the film suddenly ends so that's my attempt there anyway hope you enjoyed this book because fuck this took way longer then expected like a 3 week project and I've got my Afterlife book which is like a month project almost finished too which is good but anyway thank you for reaching the end of this book Idk how you did it because I knew nothing about Fairytail so I had to do so much research I hope it was worth it)

Natsu X Tiny Tina (Book Request)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora