Part 6 The Beam Of Light

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While Tina and Natsu are driving a chain shoots towards them barely skimming their head they turn around and theirs a guy on a motorbike his face is skull and it's on fire he pulls out a shotgun and tries to shoot Natsu and Tina but misses "sunva bitch" Tina says she turns around and starts trying to shoot the guy but she misses her shots, the guy then starts to speed up and he gets up to Natus and Tiny Tina He looks at them "your soul will be mine for the taking" he says he then pulls out his shotgun and aims it at them again "HEY FIRE TWAT" someone shouts then out of nowhere a person with a mask on and on a hoverboard catches up to them the person's arm turns into a giant blade and they stab the motor on the guys bike and it stops the bike Natsu and Tina and the person speed off and the guys bike explodes sending him flying.

They continue driving until they are at a sage distance they then stop the person takes their helmet off "hi Natsu" the person says "GAIGE" Tina and Natsu shout "that's my name" Gaige says "but we saw you die how" Natsu says "You saw my decoy die not me, awwww did you miss me I missed you too" Gaige says kissing Natsu on the cheek "I'm so glad you're ok" Tina says "thanks, anyway what we doing" Gaige says "well to go to that beam of light in the air" Natsu says "well what are we waiting for let's go" Gaige says she jumps back onto her hoverboard and Natsu and Tina get back on their motorbike and once again drive to the beam of light in the sky.

(10 minutes later)

They finally arrive at the site and Natsu drives through the barricades a pyscho jumps in front of his motorbike but he gets impaled by the spikes on the motorbike Natsu and Tina jump of the motorbike and it goes flying into a gas tank and it explodes killing the pyschos next to it Gaige goes in and she impales a pyscho with her giant blade arm she throws the pyscho of her blade and it transforms back into an arm she joins Natsu and Tina "So what's going on" Gaige says Tina points to what's in front of them and Gaige looks.

"Oh shit" She says there's a giant portal being opened in front of them and the person opening it is Tyreen with her powers next to her is her brother Troy, a pyscho and a guy wearing a black biker jacket he looks at them and he's got red cyborg eyes and pieces of his face have been ripped off revealing a robot face he's armed with a shotgun "we've got company" he says.

They all turn around "Natsu hi im sorry for not greeting you earlier kind of got distracted by the others" Tyreen says they all walk down of the platform they're on "So how we gonna do this you either join me or you die" Tyreen says "he's not joining you he's staying with us" Tina says "Oh is he really Tina you do realise there's nothing you can do against us all he's better off joining us that's why he's here, I brought you into this world to help me so do what you're here for and join me godamn it" Tyreen says "I'm not betraying my friends they've given me a home a place where I can be myself I'm not joining you bitch" Natsu says Tyreen sighs "fine if you won't join me I guess I'll just have to take your power for myself" Tyreen says.

She uses her powers to grab Natsu she begins to drain him of his power "NATSU" Tina and Gaige shout they try to attack Tyreen but the guy with the kicks them back knocking them onto the ground he walks up to them and points his shotgun at them "terminate them Carl" Troy says "ok" Carl says he's about to shoot them both when out of nowhere a technical smashes into Carl knocking him back Kreig jumps out the technical and goes for the pyscho but a black goo covers the pyscho The pyscho then grabs Kreig' s buzzaxe WHAT THE HELL IS ARE YOU MEAT PUPPET" Kreig says "we are venom" the pyscho says, Venom then grabs Kreig by the neck and throws him into a wall.

Carl gets back up and as soon as he gets back up Brick tries to punch him but Carl grabs his fist and shoots Brick in the head with his shotgun killing him "you have been terminated" Carl says he then begins to walk up to Morty, Morty shoots Carl in the head with his sniper tearing more skin off Carl's face, Carl's face is entirely robotic while Morty is reloading Carl smacks him in the face with his shotgun then he shoots him in the head killing him too "another one terminated" Carl says when he turns around Kreig is behind him Kreig grabs Carls head and tears it off he then crushes it with his hands killing Carl.

Maya begins to shoot at Venom he turns around and jumps at Maya but Kreig knocks him out the sky "YOU WILL NEVER HURT THE PRETTY  LADY" Kreig shouts he punches Venom in the face and tries to rip his jaw off Venom then transfers himself into Kreig's body and takes control of him Venom then grabs the pyscho and bites his head.

Venom then starts to walk towards Maya "Kreig" Maya says Venom's head  then peels back revealing Kreig's head "PRETTY LADY STAY BACK" Kreig says he then tries to break out Venom' s body but then Venom forms back over Kreig's head, Venom then grabs Maya's shoulder "this is the end for you" Venom says he's about to bite Maya's head off when Lilith grabs him and begins to scorch him away with her fire powers "you kill me you kill your friend too" Venom says in his sinister voice he peels back his head again revealing Kreig's face "Kreig" Lilith says.

"You know what you have to do to save them do it for her" the voice says in Kreig's head Kreig looks at Maya and he nods "do what you have to do to kill this thing" Kreig says in a normal voice, Lilith nods and she charges up a fire attack "I'm sorry" Lilith says she then incinerates both Kreig and Venom with her fire power killing them both.

"Wow you killed your friend I didn't think you had it in you firehawk" Troy says clapping Lilith bolts towards him and grabs him by the neck and she begins to choke him "everything that happened here today is yours and your sisters fault" Lilith says "it wasn't my fault you killed your friend and mayhe don't fight a parasite that can absorb your power" Troy says he then grabs the hand Lilith is holding with him and begins to absorb her power heavy metal music begins to play.

"Where the hell is that coming from" Troy says he turns around and doomguy is standing behind him "RIP AND TEAR" He shouts he grabs Troy and smashes him into the ground he then then lifts him back up and headbutts him then as a final finisher he shoots his blade out and slices him in half killing him "thank you" Lilith says Doomguy looks at her and nods  "TROY" Tyreen shouts she throws Natsu away who is now powerless Tina and Gaige run up to him "are you ok" Tina says "I feel powerless like I'm weak" Natsu says.

Lilith and Maya then confront Tyreen "it's over Tyreen" Lilith says "Is it though Lilith, you know what they say Long Live The King" Tyreen says a giant lizard then walks out the portal and it's spikes on its back begin to glow blue and it's eyes turn blue and a giant beam of light shoots out it's mouth and almost hits Lilith but Kratos block it with his blades the giant lizard roars "GODZILLA" Tyreen shouts Kratos jumps up to Godzilla and pulls out his blades and drives them into Godzilla's head "if this is our final fight I'm gonna make it one to remember let's help Kratos take him down" Lilith says "Yes let's end this" Maya says.


"Where am I" Marcus says "welcome to hell" Satan says "Satan holy shit no what did I do godamn it my prices for my guns were fair and I only killed the people who didn't buy my guns" Marcus says "you're not here for that you're here because you broke the number #1 rule you said the c word" Satan says "cunt" Marcus says "DO NOT USE THAT WORD HERE MORTAL" Satan shouts he grabs Marcus and holds him next to his face "you're eternal punishment will be selling guns" Satan says "that's not so bad" Marcus says "for free with no  refunds included" Satan says "NOOOO PLEASE SOMEONE SAVE GET ME OUT OF HERE" Marcus says "no one will save you here" Satan says he snaps his fingers and Marcus is teleported somewhere.

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