Vacation to DR Part 1-Kalin Imagine

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Ashlyn's POV
Today was finally the day my family met Kalin, his family and the boys. He had just came back from the Dedication Tour and he surprised me with this trip back home for our 2 year anniversary which was today. We just landed in the Domincan Republic and my parents were outside waiting. I ran up and jumped on them. After we hugged and kissed, I turned around to a nervous Kalin.

"Come on babe. They'll love you," I said grabbing his hand.
"And what if they don't," he said nervously.
"I'll still love you and they can't stop me from that," I said kissing his lips.

I pulled him over to my family and introduced him to my parents.
"Mom and Dad this is my boyfriend Kalin. Kalin this is my mom and dad," I said pointing at each person.
Kalin hugged my mom and shook my dads hand. "It's an honor to finally meet the parents of my girlfriend," he said.

We introduced his mom and sister, Lala, to my parents. Then the boys (Myles, Jake, Cam, Tyler and Conner) arrived and we introduced them. We pilled into the two vans they had and we drove to the hotel. We got out and went to our rooms. I was sharing one with Kalin.

"So what do you want to do for the rest of the day," I asked him once we put all our stuff away.
"Well you can go visit the rest of your family. I have to finish your surprise for tonight," he said with a smirk.
"K you know I hate surprises," I said pouting.
"Well too bad. It's our anniversary and I think you'll like this surprsie anyway," he said.
"Be ready by 6:30," he said before disappearing into the hallway.

I changed into some highwaisted white shorts with a teal crop top and my white vans. I called my mom for her to come and pick me up. I spent the rest of the day at my old house in DR. I met up with some family members that haven't seen me since I moved to the Bay Area. It was almost 5:30 so I had to leave so I could get ready for my surprise. When I got to the room I saw a box and a note attached. I picked up the note and it said:

Wear this tonight.

I opened the box and saw a short red dress with black heels and a black and red purse. I smiled and went to shower. After I showered I put on the dress and it showed off every curve on my brown body. I put on some mascara,black eyeshadow and red lip stick to make my brown eyes pop. I straightened my brown hair so it was long. I put on my heels and put some money, phone and my lipstick into my purse. At 6:30 on the dot someone knocked on the door. In front of me was a dressed up Kalin. He was wearing a tuxedo with a red bow tie and his blue gamma 11s. I swear the boy always has to wear jordans.

He was just staring at me so I decided to walk around to tease him some more.
"You like what you see," I said with a smirk.
I saw a bulge start to form in his pants which made him blush.
"Uh lets get going," he said smacking my butt which caused me to jump.

We walked hand in hand outside the hotel to a limo waiting for us. We got inside and talked the whole ride. The limo stopped and we got out. We were on the beach. There was a little dinner set up near the water. We walked over together and I couldn't help but cry. Thank god my mascara was waterproof.

"What's wrong? Is it too much or too cold? I'll call a resturant near by and try and get us reservations," he said.
"K calm down. It's perefect. I'm crying because this is so amazing. I can't believe you did this for me,"
"Your the love of my life Ashlyn. You deserve nothing but the best,"

"I was going to wait until the end of dinner but I can't take it anymore," he said.
I looked at him confused. He took a deep breath then began talking.

"Ashlyn. From the first day I met you, I knew you were different. You make me smile in down moments, you make me laugh when I feel like the world's over and you make me happy when I feel like hapiness isn't possible. You complete me Ashlyn. These past two years have been amazing but there's just one thing about you that we need to fix in order to continue this relationship," he said.

He got down on one knee and opened a box.
"I think it's time you change your last name to White. Ashlyn will you please marry me?" he said with begging eyes.

I began to cry and words couldn't come out of my mouth so I just nodded my head. I ran up and hugged him. I pulled back and our lips met each other. It was the best kiss we ever shared. I heard claps and hoots from behind us so I pulled away and saw all of my family, his mom, his sister and the boys standing on the beach clapping.

I couldn't help but laugh and smile as he put the ring on my finger. I was finally going to be Ms.White.
Hey I hope ashpash01 enjoyed this story but it's not over yet. There's a part two to this story that will be upload either tonight or tomorrow. Please share this with your friends, comment if you like this, vote for it and inbox me if you want one.

Love you guys,


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