Chapter 26

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"This is not what I expected when you said you had a surprise!" I squeaked while hugging a tree.

"Don't worry," Tokoyami laughed. "Zip lining is easy!"

"But I've never done it before!"

"You're already hooked up. All you have to do is step off the platform and let the ropes do the work ok?"

"I guess. You'll be coming right after me?"



Tokoyami let out a small laugh and looked at me. "I'm sorry about this," he said before pushing me off our platform.

"Tokoyami!!" I yelled.

He jumped after me, laughing even harder now. "See? You're fine."

"I guess," I said as I landed on the platform. "So how many times are we gonna do this?"

"Only a couple. This is only part of the surprise!"

"How much stuff did you plan?"

"Let's just say.... A lot."


"Shh. Just wait till tonight. I promise it'll be great."


We walked along the board walk for the beach, listening to the waves crash against the sand. "Tell me, dear husband, what are we doing at the beach at 11 pm?"

"Well you know how you've always wanted to have a whole beach to yourself?"

"... Yeah..."

"Well," Tokoyami said as we left the cover of palm trees and bushes. We got off the boardwalk and there were umbrellas and trees covered with fairy lights. The beach was empty and there were lights placed along the edge of the water. "Suprise!"

"Tokoyami!" I gasped. "How did you do this?"

"My cousins live here and decided to help me out a bit. I talked with the mayor of the city and he said we could have the beach all to ourselves tonight. And there are glowing jellyfish that come out at night. I got a scuba gear so we could go diving and see them."

"You're the best! I love you," I said as I hugged him. He took me over to the biggest umbrella that had a food, towels and the scuba gear around it.

"So what do you wanna do first?"



We watched as hundreds of glowing jellyfish swim around us. Most of them were white, but there were a few pink and blue ones in there too.

When we were done we decided to have a snack before swimming. It really was a great night. Until...

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2020 ⏰

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