More Family?

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POV: Logan

"FUCK!" I swiped papers off the Professors desk and held my head. "We have to after her right fucking now." Scott almost smirked at me. "You got something to say fuckface?" I grabbed his shirt in a threatening way. "Nothing, I just find it strange that the great Wolverine is concerned for the kid he never wanted." I pulled him closer, gripping his shirt tighter. "The fuck you say? You and me, outside, right now. We'll see how you feel afterwards."
"Logan," I let go and turn to face Charles. "We need to find her. Get on Cerebro and find her. She is with Magneto..." "We don't know for sure it was him Logan "
"Yes we fucking do. I couldn't move to save her and I'm betting she couldn't either. Now are you helping me or not?" Charles sighed and wheeled around his desk. "We can't just leave suddenly Logan. We need a plan." I had had enough. Fuck them. I grabbed my jacket from the chair and headed out of the room ignoring Charles call after me.


POV: Morgan

I couldn't move when I woke up. My fists were pointed towards my chest and I was strapped to a wall by metal. I saw the two people who took me and struggled to escape the bonds. "It's no use my dear, you're not likely to get out of this one." I only struggled more, not wanting to stab myself, knowing it would hurt a fuck load and I'm pretty sure it would be pointless. But knowing myself, if I get aggravated enough, I'll forget my situation and pull them out anyway. I looked around, searching for an exit once I was out of these bonds. There was only one door. It took me a second to realize my second option and closed my eyes and concentrated on opening my mind to anyone who may be listening. 'please help me.' "it's no use dear, the casing of this building won't let Charles's mind in." I couldn't take the banter. "STOP, talking me 'dear,' I'm not your fucking child." He smiled and walked towards me with a photo frame in hand. "No you are not my child. But you're not far off." I glare the stranger. "What the fuck are you on about?" He flinched as I cursed. "I'm talking about her." He reveals the photo to me and I see it's a picture of my mother. A little younger and less hungover than I remember but still her. "Why the fuck do you have a picture of my mother?" The asshole looks back at the photo and smiles. "That's why you're here Morgan. She's my daughter. And yes dear, you are my granddaughter." What. The. Fuck.


A/N: I feel like the chapters get shorter as they go along? Oh well, hope you enjoyed this one, and as always, comment feedback and any ideas or request. Please please please show me you guys read and enjoy my stories so I know you want me to post more.

Ta ta

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