Chapter I

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"Hey, can you turn up that volume? Thanks."

The amplifier was raised up a couple of levels by the bartender. A news anchor was reporting breaking news about a kidnapping that took place earlier this morning.

A video clip was airing three kidnappers trying to capture a woman after she turned a corner. The woman took them down with her sharp combat skills but was hit with a dart that slit a hole into her handbag. She was so distracted from pulling the dart out, two hooligans came from her behind and seized her into an ominous van. 

News Report:

The video footage from an unknown source was released showing the kidnappers at the Pixie Hotel earlier this morning. The hostage was identified as Harper Gould, she is currently enrolled as a junior at the University of Evergreene. According to an ongoing investigation, it was reported that a ransom was demanded during a private meeting targetting the billionaire Mr. Drew Galactic. The abductors claimed to have his daughter but according to public records, his daughter died at the age of seven. There's no statement from Mr. Galactic's end yet as further investigation is being conducted at this moment. FaceNews would provide further updates. In other news, now that we are approaching the winter holidays ~~~

It was drizzling outside, the heavy footsteps of a man trampling across the puddles from the pub. A shadowy figure creeps around the deep alleyway and knocks on the steel door. There was no answer.

He knocks again but harder, it scared a few stray cats nearby digging in the garbage can.

"Who is it?" Someone from behind sang out, he had an angelic voice and sounds like a native from Evergreene.

"Open up, you dipshit."

The steel door swung open, creating an agitating squeak behind its hinge while a mysterious figure lingers behind.

"Sorry, boss. There was a wandering group of elderly women earlier. I couldn't risk exposing the operation."

The man walked around the dark room, trailing by the furniture and brushing his fingers against each one that he passes by.


He paused for a moment, "Did you say, elderly women?"

The underling awkwardly taps his index fingers together, "Uh...yes, sir." He was a bulky man scarred with horrendous tattoos but has the innocence of a soft kitten.

"Hmm, interesting..." The man was in a suit, a red wine-tailored suit, and was wearing a trilby. It was partly drenched by the light rainfall when he left the pub. "Tell me, why would some elderly women wander down this alleyway and knock on our door?"

The man in a suit took a seat facing the darkness instead of his underling who was idly positioned behind an antique vase stand.

"They were looking for- for their book club meeting," He brushes the long downward leaf of a dying plant based in the vase, "It's right across the other building."

"So you weren't singing 'Kiss Me You Fool', like the last time?" The man stood up and made a sharp turn, his face close upfront the shaky underlying.

He forced down a gulp and shook his head, "No..."

A swift movement of the man's hand swat still mid-air, "Forget it. I saw what happened this morning." He moves towards another room, "Is she here?"

The room was filled with bizarre costumes displayed on mannequins, specifically made for theatrical productions or certain special occasions.

"She was where you told us would be," He guides him through another room, it was further down in the back where three other guys were found pointing their guns at their faces.

They were eating takeout and playing cards around the glass table before being startled by the rustling beads dangling under the doorway.

"Put the guns down," the man in the suit directed.

One of them who had a man bun, looked over to their right and was bewildered by the sight, "Hey, is that a banana?" He was slowly backing away in anguish and wasn't a fan of bananas. 

"What? I'm not old enough to get a weapon," He grouched, he was known as 'the boy' being the youngest one in the group but he has the mentality of a sixty-one-year-old. 

The man in the suit sighs in a displeased manner, "Who's watching the girl?" He has had enough of their foolishness. The kidnapping didn't go as it was planned and now the city's police force was on the alert of any suspicious movement, preventing them from getting a head start to escape out of the city. 

"No one, sir, we thought we could take a lunch break while she's still asleep." Another one of them replied, his head was bald but shone like a polished bowling ball. 

"We ordered one for you." 

An unopened bag of fast food from PsyCho's Boom was grabbed and opened by him, "Where are the others?" He asked as he scanned inside the bag filled with two burritos, a double chocolate muffin, and a golden-colored drink. 

"Uh..." The bulky man scratched his head, trying to recall what the others had told him when they left. 

"They're taking care of the van business," the boy blurts out, saving the trouble and everyone's time. 

The man took his trilby off and placed it on the bergère, then he gestures to one of them to open the hatch that was camouflaged as floorboards. He descends the mobile ladder with the bag of food and landed his feet on the concrete floor. 

It was pitch black, the only light source was the sunlight coming out from a tiny hopper window. The sky was clearing outside after a light shower of rain. 

Two of the men followed him down the ladder, the bald guy and the man bun. The light was switched on by one of them. There was only one light source and it revealed a spacious room, but it didn't do much in brightening it. The room was empty, except for the being that was centered in the core of the setting. 

She was tied onto a wooden chair with ropes around her ankles and wrists knotted behind. Her identity was concealed with strands of long dark hair dangling down her face. 

The slow but solid steps pressed against each pace taken by his derby shoes caused a soft echoing click. He knelt in front of the dormant girl and pushed her hair back revealing her sharp-featured face. 

"How long has she been like this?" He strokes her cold cheeks, "Has she eaten yet?" 


The man's thumb was bitten by the dozy girl, she looks irritated and confused. He immediately got up and backed away from her, "Someone's hungry." 

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