Chapter II

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Harper's POV

There were muffled voices coming from above, I feel weak and thirsty. My vision was blurry when I opened my eyes but when I looked around my surrounding. It was shady and has a cold atmosphere that might perfectly describe my kidnappers. I don't know where I am but I know I wasn't taken far. 

I tried moving but I was stuck, only accessible to twitching. My hands were tied together behind my back, and the ropes were fastened tight around my ankles which clung onto the legs of the chair. 

My tummy grumbles and the inside of my mouth was parched. They must've drugged me to sleep and to keep me from screaming. I doubt anyone can hear me from under the ground, especially notice me in this dim room with no light. 

The only outside I could spot was the view from a tiny window on my left. I could see the ground and there were only a few movements from figures passing by. It didn't indicate the time of day, the view was dark but not dark enough to be nighttime. 

I was hearing the voices again, only it was getting closer. A peek of brightness was coming from the ceiling, they must be coming down to check on me. My body was shaking like a chihuahua, I have to calm down and not show any fear towards these alien demons. 

Quick, I thought to myself, I clasp down my eyelids and release the tension from my muscles. I was vulnerable. 

"Turn on the lights." One of instructed.

"Yes, boss." Someone called out before striding across the room with their heavy-sounding boots.

I could sense the light flickered on while silence filled the air. The only noise I hear was the footsteps that were gaining closer towards me. I dared not to flinch. I need to gather some insights on these people, so far I've only heard two voices. 

My hair was flung to the back, I could feel his breath blowing past my face. He must've drunk hot chocolate not too long ago. 

"Has she eaten yet?" It must be him, the one who was in front of me must be the 'leader' of this gang. 

"No, sir." 

How dare he touches my face, "Ow!" He yelled out. Surprisingly, I didn't miss it when I gnawed at his finger after getting too close to my lips. Nonetheless, I hope his hands were clean. 

"Someone's hungry," the one who was identified as, 'boss' and 'sir' said with an egotistic smile. 

A heated mass of air was puffed out of me, those bastards, I was supposed to interview one of my favorite authors today. Instead, I was kidnapped and missed out on one of the greatest opportunities in my life!

The surging urge to wipe that off his face with my foot was to the point where I could rip these ropes out of my sensitive flesh. I wish, but I couldn't. It's too strong and I don't want to cut myself and bleed. 

I furrowed my eyebrows while watching him observing me, he was cocking his head like a confused little puppy. Then he took something out of the bag he was holding and start eating it. 

He wasn't like whom I have imagined, not middle-aged nor unattractive. Even though the lighting was terrible from my angle, I could see his stature and his prominent facial features. If this guy didn't kidnap me, I would have dated him, then broken his teeny-weeny heart into pieces. 

Staring at him in tranquility was kind of overwhelming, he has a sharp gaze that could shoot right through you in a blink. 

After breaking the mutual staring contest, I looked left and right. There they were, the two stooges I took down at the scene of the crime. I wondered where the other one was, the big guy. He was the easiest of the three. 

I looked back at him, the guy was still chewing on a dark object while vigorously gawking down at me. He was doing it again, tilting his head to one side and starting to walk slowly towards me with his arms folded. He was monitoring me as if I was his test subject.  

"What's wrong with you!" I finally opened my mouth and yelled at him, "Are you just going to keep staring at me or tell me what you want?"

There wasn't any expression on his face so I couldn't tell if he understood what I was screaming about, but I think he knows the message was for him. 

He didn't make a sound but kept slowly pacing towards me, even a turtle travels faster than him. Finally, I could see him clearly as his body falls under the only light bulb in the room.  

My mind went blank for a few seconds, "You!" There's a tingling sensation in my temple and the tension has dropped in my chest. I've seen that face before, that tousled hair and the dinky birthmark by the corner of his lips. It looked like a dimple. 

I stand corrected, I would've dated him and I did but it was barely even a date. We only went out for drinks and talked all night, then he disappeared and I never heard from him. It was strange at first, but now it all made sense. He only wanted to get information about me, like where I was staying so he could kidnap me, but why.

A snide smile emerges from him and I got the front-row seat ticket. His face was only a few centimeters from mine, "I thought you forgot about me." He placed his hand on his chest in awe.  

I was stunned by his response, he said it in Vallaya instead of Greenesh. 

***(Vallaya is the official language to the country Olvallay and Greenesh is the official language to the country  Evergreene)***

###You would discover more about this world down the journey###

"Here," A rectangular-shaped thing was unwrapped by him, and in front of me reveals a burrito, "Take a bite, I don't want you to starve." I thought it was weird the way he said it to me. 

The burrito was held up for me but seeing that I didn't open wide, he gently bumped it onto my lips. It was still warm and soft, "I didn't poison it...if that's what you are thinking." 

His tone was genuine but I wasn't even thinking of that until he brought it up.

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