Chapter III

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Benedict's POV

She bit me, I can not believe this girl just chomp on my thumb. Especially when I accidentally burned it a few days ago while making lasagna for my mom.

My instinct led me to run away like a chicken and I couldn't face her with my horrific face. I had to distract myself from this agony, so I grabbed something from the bag of food and start munching on it.

It was awfully quiet, I thought she would've made some snarky comment by now. Unless she doesn't remember me, then this turned out better than I thought it would be. Those two guys certainly made an impression on her, they quivered when she shot them a glare.

I was too far from her in the room and can't tell if she was showing fear or anguish. There it was, she shouted at me. "What's wrong with you!"

Definitely some anger going on here, "Are you just going to keep staring at me or tell me what you want?" I went in closer, I think she is being cranky because her stomach is empty.


Ah, my poor ears are going to bleed from her loud mouth but she seemed to calm down after that. I bet she remembers me now that my stunning face is in the clear lighting area.

I knelt back down on the floor and took a burrito out of the bag. Just remembered she couldn't use her hands so I kindly haul it up for her. There was no movement, I was positive she was feeling hungry but she isn't taking a bite.

Then again, she probably thought it was poisoned but why would I do that when my intent wasn't to kill her.

After reassuring her I didn't poison it, hopefully, the boys didn't either but with me as the target. She took a nibble, but in a matter of seconds, my face was splattered by chewed up moist pieces of the burrito.

I took a deep breath to calm myself before wiping the residue off my face, "Do you not like how it tasted?"

She yawned and sighed, "I'm a vegetarian." This girl was getting on my nerves, I thought we had a nice time when we went out for drinks.

"How am I supposed to know that?" 

"Now you do." She said it innocently with a higher-pitched voice. 

End of Benedict's POV

The burrito wasn't going to waste so the guy sank his teeth into the burrito, "She's a vegetarian, get something suitable for her to eat."  He ordered his men in Greenesh. The two of them looked at each other, unsure which one of them has to do his order.

None of them moved so he stood up and glared at them, "Yes, both of you, go." He gestured at the running men who starts ascending the ladder.

"So...these imbeciles work for you?" Harper was feeling bored out of her mind. She thinks the only reason why he kidnapped her because of his obsession with her. Most guys did, but this was the first time they've gone too far and she doesn't like it.

He leans against the wall while enjoying his burrito, "Don't call them that, they're just terrible at being crooks and I wasn't the one who hired them."

"They're from Evergreene?"

"Yup," He finished the first burrito and was moving onto the next one, "but don't you want to know more about me?"

"Benedict right?" She remembers him giving her his name on their first encounter on school campus at the University of Evergreene. However, he wasn't a student there but instead he was a researcher. At least that was what he had told her.

"Nice memory, but most people call me Ben." He slid down to pick up the golden coloured drink and sips on it. Smacking his lips together, he was trying to figure out the flavour of the drink, "Hmm...tastes like mango."

He was wandering off into his little fruity world, "Like a mango pomelo-"

"Ben!" Harper calls out, snapping him out of his trance. "Benny, can I call you Benny?"

"No, you may not."

Harper scoffed at his contradiction, "Why? Do your mommy and daddy call you that?"

"Pfft, no..." He ran his hand through his hair, "You know for someone who is an honor student and was raised by two caring people, you're pretty mean."

"You know nothing about me and my family!"

It sounds like a challenge to Benedict, "Oh yeah? So you're not always the top of your classes and your little family didn't die when you just turned 18?"

She gasped in shock, "STALKER!" 

The last part also made her enraged that she tries moving but it was no use, her limbs were tied.

"Be careful, you don't want to flop on your face." He commented while watching her struggling and rocking the chair.

After coming to her senses, Harper decides not to waste her energy on this. Her eyes were softened and were staring at the floor blankly. "How do you know all this?"

Ben barely could hear the words coming out of her mouth, she spoke out in such a faint voice. He didn't mean to harm her emotions by bringing up her family, but she doesn't know what Ben knows.

"Do you even know why I brought you here?" He took a step forward, "I have never seen someone so laid back when they're kidnapped, I mean except your outbursting talkbacks."

"You've kidnapped other people before?" Harper's eyes grew in revulsion, how many victims had fallen into this sick man's illusive behaviour.

Constant shaking of his head and crazy jazz hands indicated that he was in full disagreement or he was having a seizure, "What!" No, no, I've never done such thing before."

Harper moves her head back and looked at him. She was trying to read his facial expression to see if he was lying but his silly performance was convincing enough for her to believe him.

"Then...I'm your first?" She smirkingly displayed, Ben was creeped out by the way she was acting. 

"See, this is what I'm talking about," he starts circling around her in his thoughts, "You seem so comfortable with this situation, even with your hands tied behind your back."

Getting dizzy by the minute, Harper couldn't take it anymore. "Stop with the spinning, what kind of experiment are you conducting here?" 

"Experiment," Ben chuckles and took a step back so she can get a view of him, "You think I'm holding you as a hostage here for an experiment?"

"Uh-huh, isn't that why you kidnapped me?" Harper was starting to get worried and became aware of what was really happening to her, "So you're not obsessed with me after I rejected your little proposal that night?"

"No, did I seem that desperate to you?" 

A loud clunk disrupted their conversation, someone was walking down the ladder and another one follows. It was those two again, they came back and they brought food. 

"We can talk about this later, now you should be getting something in your empty stomach" Ben whispered something into the guys' ears before ascending the ladder himself. 

"But wait! How am I?" Harper groaned as the two men nervously smile at her with the food in their hands.

"You're going to feed me aren't you?"

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