Chapter VI

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A charted airplane was fully fueled on standby for the arrival of passengers. It was stationed on the terrain of a private airport located at a secluded rural district. Harper was taken on a ride with the fellas. They had to pass through a border check where a picture of Harper was distributed through the city. The ones working in border control were highly alerted but they drove pass without any trouble. 

It was no trouble, the reason being was Ben knowing someone there. They plotted ahead and scheduled the time and lane for their exit. The plan was a go when Ben received that phone call earlier in the basement. The person he knew behind one of the border control managed to switch shifts. 

"Can you explain to me why you think my family is still alive?" They never finished their conversation when Harper was being untied from the wooden chair. She left to pee then when she got back, everyone was seated in a van outside. 

Ben stayed back to make sure she didn't cause any trouble when she came downstairs but he was talking to someone on the phone. 

They took her outside where a colorful Volkswagen van was parked by the sidewalk. The weather was cleared and the streets were flooded with people and cars but no attention was attracted towards the van.

"Not now...maybe when we get there." Ben didn't feel too comfortable to reveal much in the van full of strangers. He only knew them for a couple of days but they knew each other better than him. 

"Where are we even going?" She was unfamiliar with the scenery that was fleeting by the window, it was starting to get bushy with trees and fields of grass. 

"You'll see."

The whole car ride journey was silent and it was an hour and a half long. The driver was Kat's older sister, her name was Salem. She has a uniquely designed eyepatch worn on the right side of her eye.

None of them in the van knew the reason why she wears it, Kat explained to them that nothing was wrong with her right eye but she wears it anyway. The eyepatch wasn't worn as an accessory nor an aid but whatever reason it was, Salem hasn't told anyone about it. 

Some small bags of luggage was grabbed from the trunk of the van and were loaded into the plane. Ben was seen talking to someone by the nose of the plane while Harper was escorted by Carson and Tristan onto the plane. 

The sisters found their seats at the back corner of the plane and buckled up, the same goes for Carson and Tristan who were opposite them. 

Harper was seated in the front row with an empty seat beside her. Russell and the man with the many tattoos got onto the plane after they finished loading the items of baggage. 

"Which side Aaron?" Russell can be heard asking the man with the many tattoos at the other back corner of the plane.

"I would like the window seat if you don't mind." Harper was surprised by his mellow voice and kind requisition. 

The door of the plane was shut after Ben had made his entry into the plane. He took the seat beside Harper and fastened his seat belts. 

"Oh, let me help you with that." He lends a hand to Harper with her seat belts since her hands were restrained by the fluffy pink handcuffs. 

She was laid back onto the seat tensed up without realizing what Ben was doing. He realized something was wrong with her, she looked scared out of her mind while staring into space. 

Ben waves his hand in front of her face and snaps his finger at her but she didn't even blink once, "Harper?  Hello? Are you there?" He had to give her a little shake before coming back to the present. 

"I'm sorry, what happened?" Blinking a couple of times, Harper tried sinking down her seat as far as she can get with the seatbelt tightened around her waist. She didn't even remember putting on the seatbelt or how it got around her waist. 

"This can't be the first time flying for you, is it?" He had placed his palms on top of her hands, which freaked her out even more. It wasn't the first time for her to be on the plane but it has been too long since she was on one. 

The first time she took a flight was when she was around the age of seven but the memory was vague. She couldn't recall any details about that time, but most of her childhood memories were fuzzy. 

Thinking back on her first flight, the atmospheric feels were all wrong. She didn't forget that she has shed a bucket of tears on that day but didn't know the reason. 

"Don't touch me," She shook his hands off hers and deeply inhaled. It shouldn't be like this, she thought why was he being nice to her.

He abruptly released her hands and apologized, "Don't're not going to die." 

The sound of rumbling was getting louder as the plane begins taxing, in a matter of minutes they were off the ground. Harper was still tensed, she couldn't describe what she was feeling at the moment. It was all confused up in her head, there was something bothering her in the past but she can't remember.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Ben was on edge seeing her like this. 

"She nods her head, " mouth is a little dry." 

A stewardess was buzzed to bring a glass of water up to Harper, she took a couple of gulps while calming her nerves. She needed to stop trying to think back on her past. "Benedict, I still think you got the wrong girl. I mean I'm not saying kidnapping is righteous kidnapped the wrong person." 

He gave a slight chuckled, he was eased up now that she was feeling better. "No Harper, but there's so much you don't know." 

"Then tell me, how did my family survive a bombing? You said it yourself, one of my parents is alive?"

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