Saying Goodbye

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Hello guys Binayak here

To be honest I hadn't written or even not tried to write for these days
You know I'm lazy ;D

As you see, there were a very few amour moments in the previous chapters

Today I'll be trying to put some feelings into it

So let's start, Enjoy......


Ash won the Pokemon Master league
Everyone is cheering for him .
He was also very happy but a little confused as he couldn't believe that he was now a Pokemon Master

[In the crowd]

"Finally ,Ash did it!" Delia said with tears of happiness in her eyes

"WELL DONE ASH! I KNEW YOU'LL DO IT!" Serena shouted

The past Pokemon master came forward and stood by Ash.

"Ash, you finally made your dream come true." He said as he rested his hand on Ash's shoulder.

Noticing him Ash exclaimed ,"Yeah! And you were also awesome. Your Rayquaza and all other pokemons were just amazing ."

"I'm proud of you Ash." He started tearing up .
He then removed his mask and hugged Ash. Ash found his face a bit familiar. But why?

[In the crowd]
As the past Pokémon Master removed his mask Delia bursted into tears.

"Why are you crying ?" Professor Oak asked as he noticed her

"The... The guy...H..He's " Delia hesitated, "Ash's Father!"

Everyone who was present there was totally shocked!

"What did you said right now?" Gary asked in confusion

"That's the truth you believe or not" She kept crying .

Soon the prize giving ceremony started. Ash recieved the medal of Honor which contained a big stone in the centre of it. He was awarded a trophy as a proof that he won the Pokemon Master league and also he was given a badge as a sign of being Pokemon Master !

[Ash's POV]

As I recieved the prizes they asked me to say some words .
"Oh yeah ! I am sooooo happy now.
I can't describe it !" I said

I was really happy. But then a thought came in to my mind ,' I've become the Pokemon Master which was my dream, but what's next? I mean what will I do now after being a Pokemon Master.'

I was thinking these as my eyes rested on my mom who was talking to the past Pokemon master with tears? AND THEY HUGGED??!!!!
What's going on ?

I came to them as the ceremony has ended and everyone was going to their home. I saw them with professor Oak and all my friends staring at me with a grin and a little respect.

I came in front of mom," Hey mom, do you know him?" I pointed at the past PM .

"Don't you remember? Oh you were very small then" She said with small grin.

" What do you mean?" I asked

"Remember a guy who left us a long ago for his dreams ?"

I tried to understand what mom was talking about and when I did my eyes were widened.

"DAD!" I jumped on him and hugged him tight.

"Yes Ash, glad that you still remembered me" dad said

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