Chapter 2: Who's this?

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Well, driving sucks when you have a cast on your arm. It feels heavy and clumsy when you're trying to turn and change the radio station. I had a check up this morning from the crash, and my father was still in shock. He was in shock and he wasn't even in the crash!

I took a deep breath as I parked the car into a parking spot behind the school. I shouldn't get mad at dad; after all, he did lose his wife. I pulled my backpack on and walked into school. The doctor said my injuries weren't too bad so I could go to school, but he warned me that if I started feeling dizzy or sick that I would go home right away.

As soon as I walked into the school, the bell rang. I looked at the clock and saw that I was late to fourth hour. I didn't rush myself though, I had a valid reason for being late, and I already told the school what happened, so they knew I would be. I didn't stop at my locker since I wouldn't be able to carry my books very well without my backpack.

I stood outside the room for my class, English, and I was nervous. What would happen once I entered? Would they all laugh at me? Probably, but then I could fake a heart attack and make them all pity me instead. I smiled at the thought of them giving me pity when I didn't really want it. Or did I?


"And so today we are..." Mr. Richard said but stopped once I opened the door.

Everyone looked at me and gasped, even Mr. Richard. I smiled inwardly as I walked to the middle of the classroom and took my seat next to Tanner, who wouldn't stop staring at me. Mr. Richard cleared his throat and I looked at him.

"Ira...what happened?" he asked, concerned.

I shrugged, not really wanting to talk about it. I should've known I wouldn't get out of it this easily.

"Please tell us!"

"You poor thing!"

"Did you get mugged?!"

"What happened!"

"Clam down!" Mr. Richard shouted, making everyone stop shouting. He took a deep breath and asked again what happened to me.

I took a deep breath and then spoke quietly. "My car crashed yesterday."

Everyone gasped again, but not as surprised as before. No one asked any more questions, since they probably saw it in the news. For a moment there, I was afraid they started to care for me.


Despite it being 0 degrees outside, I was feeling quiet warm. I was standing at the wreck site where my mom died and where I broke my second and third bone. The car and debris was cleared and it looked like nothing ever occured, just a normal snow drift.

Tears fell down my face again for the umpteenth time since I stood there. My heart ached fro my mom, my only close friend other than Cristy.

"Why mom?" I quietly asked. "Why did you want to do shopping? You hate shopping, even for food."

I shook my head and turned around. The snow wasn't too deep-it went to my ankles-and I always loved when it snowed. But my favorite smell didn't involve snow at all; my favorite smell was wet pine wood.

Suddenly I could smell wet pine wood, which was odd. I looked back at the forest and thought of it for a moment. As soon as I was about to turn away, I heard a distant howl. Wolves? There were wolves out here, and I've always wanted to see one. But alone? No way. More howls joined in, all of them scattered.

"Mine," a hot voice growled.

I quickly spun to my left and saw a super hot guy standing there. He wasn't wearing a jacket like I was; he wore a dark grey v-neck shirt that I could see covered abs, his arms were perfect, his jeans were ripped, his combat boots undone, his brown hair curled at the tips and his eyes were chocolate brown. Wait...did I just eye rape him?!

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