Work Time For William!!

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A. N.  I AM SO SORRY FOR NOT POSTING IN THREE DAYS 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 here a chapter of 1 of 6

                        William Pov

I am nervous no excited.. I am nervcited! (A. N.  he nervous and excited) I already learn what I need to do  and got my badge to let me in the building and for the elevator to go to the top floor all of that just yesterday  . It currently 5 Am and I was heading up , I walked over to the desk that been assigned to me.

The only desk that is up here is of course your desk!

Demon say in sarcastic tone, I poke my tongue out at him and he does it back. I know we are childish like that.

Ha who ever watches the cameras are probably thinking you are mental or high off your ass!

Demon laughs at me, I pout at him.

You know I don't get high demon nor do I drink.
I know that but they don't, why are you working anyway, we are rich as fuck!  Also how Capo pay us the money?  it cant be from the company they only 999. so how the fuck did he pay 1.1 quadrillion!? 
Probably from the Mafia you do know they got business on there land, that people rent out to own a business you know that right? Also I work because I am bored!
Impossible they only make 2.4 million dollars!
Then he saved up!

Demon went quiet, he most likely went into thought at what we talked about.As we where talking I did everything that we need to do for today meetings, The only thing I haven't done yet was get Mr. Galaxy Coffee, which I was waiting to do at 7:05 since it takes for the coffee awhile to brew and I wanted to have the coffee nice and hot for him when he arrives. I look down at my watch to see what time it was and it oh!  it time to brew the coffee.

    Time skip due to lazy author 7:30

As soon I was standing in place with today schedule and Mr. Galaxy the elevator door open to see, Mr.Galaxy standing inside he steps out of the elevator with a sour face "Good morning Sir, would you like your coffee now or when you sit down? " I asked the sour men what he wants, he glance at my hand that hold his coffee in. He takes it gently out of my hand, sips then moans in delight, "Starbucks must had a fresh batch today. " he says  with renewed energy, how do I tell him I made it without insulting Starbucks cheap but disgusting ingredients?
Like this!

                        Daniel Pov

"I made it Sir" my head whipped around to look for where Demon stood at, but who stood there was William, he coughed into his sleeve of his jacket, "Oh dear I am sorry about that, when my voice is not used for so long, it goes deep like that. " I frown at  at what he said because when he talked to me at the elevator was his angel like voice... or was I to tired to notice that his voice was deep as demon? "No need for the apology, touch said you made this? " I said to him with a smile, he gently smiles back like the angel he is. "Yes Sir, my dad and father teach me how to make good coffee so I could do it for my boss and them" he says in a cheerful tone.

"they taught you well then please tell me my schedule today".

A. N.

1 of 6 is done
see you my souls!!

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