Devil Rampage

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A. N.
Imagine him with purple eye's
meet David
I don't own any of the pics
3 of 6

Daniel Pov

Demon is a fucking wizard!!!! he literally appeared out of no where and scared me half to death, "WHERE IN THE HELL DID YOU APPEAR FROM!? " I heard a huff of annoyance "from the window" I turn around to confirm that he in deed came from the window. I turn back to him with a growl in my tone "have you not fucking heard of a fucking door?! " demon tilted his head to the side "who in the hell is that bitch? ". He can't be serious right? "it the the thing that you are leaning on, you know that let's you into a room and not scare people half death because they didn't expected that a crazy human to crawl threw a window" I said to him with slowly growing rage, he looks back at the door "oh this this whore, nah this bitch is to wide " he says in a lazy tone, I am seeing red I swear every thing in this room is red and not blood I didn't beat demon to death yet and it not my blood falling into my eyes "chill dude I am yanking your dick around " he says casually in bored tone. As soon I was ready yell at demon he side steps and open the door to view my second in command kyle standing there with shell shock look "WHAT! "I roar out in rage, Kyle just shakes his head then walks over to me and says "Mr. blacksmith has yet to pay the money he owns us, it been three months since he told us he can pay for it, every time we sent a men over he says "I will have money for you next week" but never does, also we found a rat among us been telling info to the red lilac mafia group " as soon kyle finish speaking I roar in pure rage "I will deal with filthy rat, send out John to collect the money if he don't have the money give John permission to shoot the disgusting baster dead " demon snorted then said " I can deal with Mr. blacksmith I dealt with him before, he owed us after killing one of his neighbor for letting his dog piss and pop all over his yard, kept saying the same shit he telling you guys" I grind then nod my head "go for it demon" he nods then disappears like a damn fucking wizard! see I fucking told you he a fucking wizard!! I turn to kyle "let go kill a rat shall we? " kyle grins evilly then stalks off with blood lust in his eyes, I get and follow with a sickening grin, with my fang poking my bottom lip I was ready for blood to be spilled on my lands not just from me but also on demon side.

(A. N. okay for people who squamish of blood and gore I suggest you skip this part and little bit of next chapter rated R also Daniel is already down in the cells area)

I walked down the corridor of the jails cells I hear begging and screaming in the cells to shoot them down or let them go as some of my men make them beg, I see kyle there bouncing on his feet in a inpatient way " calm yourself kyle, the rat still gonna be there no need for hurry " I said in sickening tone. He just grins at me in a playful way " it just been to long since some rat been in this room, it been way to long since you and I played I'm this room it just exciting to do it " it been a good thing a rat hasn't been in there.
1. it mean then men here are loyal
2. it keeps kyle beast from unleashing and being havoc on the team.
as soon I got near kyle he open the door and holds it open for me, I walk in and see our new play thing sitting in a chair chain down to the ground. With wild eyes looking straight at me and kyle who walked into the room and shut the door, one of the men that already in the room wheels up our play tools that been cleaned of any old blood that was on there from before, I walked up to the tools and gently run my fingers over them while being careful of the blades on them. I heard a muffle scream, I look over to see kyle standing there with his evil grin and blood lust filled eyes. Unlike me kyle can't hide his blood lust from other people who are in that chair or even some times on the field but I can trust that he will not leap at the chance to bring out blood of a human body. If it was another men standing beside him I would be telling him to back the fuck off, but it kyle so I leave him be. I turn back to the tool and ask kyle a question "which tool first? " there was a shuffle then kyle replying " I say we break his fingers first then tools " he says in a dark tone that screams for blood and screams of begging, I set down the Scalpel I was holding it was 15 inch blade that meant for deeper cuts we also got the 10 inch and 11 inch blades just for fun times I walked over with a smile "go for it kyle if he doesn't answer " I remove the gag out of the rats mouth "why are you doing this " I ask the rat and he spits out blood in my face "Nunca te diré cerdo asqueroso!! "( I will never tell you filthy pig!!) (A. N. if I ever saying it wrong blame it google translate because I am getting it from there!) "go for it Kyle " kyle reaches down and breaks his pinky finger, the rat screams out in pain "tell me why you are doing this" he just spits blood at me again, I look at kyle to give him the all go, and he snaps the finger next to the all ready broken pinky. The rat screams again.

After breaking all the rats fingers

"Ni siquiera puedes ensuciarte las manos, dejas que otra persona haga tu trabajo sucio por ti eh" (You can't even get your own hands filthy, you let someone else do your filthy work for you huh) I look down at the men and smile at him and said "Si lo hago, desearás que lo hagan estos hombres, repugnante rata"(if i do it you will wish it was this men doing it, you disgusting rat) he spat me and said " No eres un diablo sino un cobarde" (you are no devil but a coward) with that I step on his thigh near his knee cap, unlock one of his leg grabbed it bring it up fast breaking his knee cap and twisted it like a twizzler. I want Twizzler now if I text demon to get some strawberry Twizzler will he get me some? The rat is screaming bloody murder for kyle to finish him off begging him just to kill him "no no, dijiste que no soy un diablo sino un cobarde que se niega a ensuciarse la mano, te muestro que no soy un cobarde, ahora le ruegas a Kyle que lo haga, no creo que seas repugnante rata"(no no, you said i am no devil but coward who refuses to get his hand dirty, I show you I am no coward, now you beg for kyle to do it, I think not you disgusting rat) I put his leg down which was no longer a use I turn to kyle "let me do this from now on, since this rat thinks I am no devil I shall show him I am the devil and it not just for show " kyle nods with a smile of happiness and little disappointment that he can't join. "oh! can you text demon and tell him to get me some strawberry twizzler? " I said that as I toss him my phone he nods " password? " he spoke like thus was normal which it us since I get hungry when I make men beg for there disgusting pathetic "quattro sette cinque dieci" (four seven five ten) I switched over to Italian , so disgusting rat could not understand he nods then sends text to demon, I turn to the dude and smile at him I grab a clamp and grabbed his nail "¿Sabes por qué tu jefe te envió a una misión suicida?"(do you know why your boss sent you on suicide mission?) he shakes his head no "¿Por qué no te creo?" (why don't I believe you?) he whimpers like the disgusting rat he is "Juro que no sé por qué, ¡¡ella solo dijo que vayas a los Hellhounds, gane su confianza e informe su debilidad !!"(I swear i don't know why, she just said to go into hellhounds gain there trust and report there weakness!!) "¿Ella? La última vez que escuché fue Liliacs rojos donde corrió por Marcus Denhound ¿Qué le pasó? " (She? last time i heard was red liliacs where ran by marcus denhound what happened to him?) I asked the rat he shakes his head "No se, soy nueva allá, cuando vine una chica estaba a cargo " (I dont know, i am new there, when i came a girl was in charge) I growled the red liliacs been our ally since we started so why in the fuck is there someone new and they don't tell us that someone new and a girl... unless... "¿Cuál es el nombre de niña rata?" (what is the girl name rat?) he looks at me with fear "No sé su nombre real pero ella se llama escarlata roja" (i dont know her real name but she goes by red scarlet) my eyes go wide.


A. N.

that took forever!!! but liliacs needs hell hound! sorry if the translation is wrong blame Google translate for that also red liliacs keep changing is because I keep forgetting how I spell it but I know it a flower
3 of 6 is done!

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