The Dedt

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A. N.
My mind is gonna explode if I keep writing chapter after chapter! anyway
The pig eyes!
4 of 6

                           Demon Pov

I walked up to Mr. Blacksmith back door,  silent open it and slide in then silent close the door then walked to the living room where he was at " haha yeah the hellhound will never get there money back I am about this dump and never come back " Flash Blacksmith sat on his couch laughing his pig of himself pale as paper, I looked over at a picture of his young and handsome self back when he was high school what happened to him since then.  Eh who cares he about to die anyway "ha you mean if they find demon and be able pay him " his annoying laugh pierce my ears like an ugly song that been on reply for to long and needs to go away. I reach down and turn off TV that been playing in the background. "What the fu... " his beautiful eyes widen in fear as he looks at the black screen. "You owe the hellhounds flash blacksmith, give me the money you owe to them now or your pretty little eyes get pluck out of your eyes" his eye widen even more.  "M m m mister d d d demon I I I I d d d d don't h h have t t t the m m m money! " I tsk at that " we both know you do don't lie about that " the pig beautiful eyes widen more "but keep lying I do want those gorgeous eyes you got there flash I know they are not contact ether ".  he shakes his head " I I I I d d d d don't... AHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!! " I pluck out one of his eyes and cut off the cord that connects to the eye, I smile down at him "that one eyeball, do you wanna lose the other now do you? "  he shakes his head while he holds hands over where his eye used to be " it on the same safe" he says out in huffs, I walked down the hall and to his office, remove the painting, open the safe just for a gun to go off, I drop down to the ground as the bullet sales over my head. At the same time my phone buzzed I pulled it out just to see the dickhead will the second in command send it asking if I could pick up twizzlers I sent a quick text saying I well I went down the hall again pluck out the other eye then slit his neck and watch as he bleeds out pathetic, I cut the cord and pocket my new marble bracelet .

  Going back back to the mafia house

On the way back I happened to hear about Red liliacs were took a over by a girl called red scarlet... last I check Marco runs that mafia and also very much alive but missing in action, also an ally to the Hellhounds. Hmm should I go visit Miss. Scarlet?
Well there my answer I hide the bag more. Then bolt to Miss. Scarlet not so much land.

                        When arrives

it was all quiet in tell I give Miss. Scarlet a small heart attack of course I cover her mouth so she doesn't summon her little puppies, it will be annoying to kill them all "hello Miss. Scarlet or should I say Фиолетовое перо " (Violet Feather)  she glared right at me her eyes scream how the fuck I know her name "easy I know everyone, now I am gonna let your mouth go but you would not scream and you are gonna answer my questions without a fight and you won't die how that Miss. Scarlet? " she nods slowly "oh don't even think about lying to me I am so not in the mood to be lied to and last person who lied to me are missing there eyes and there neck is slit out sitting the last place they were on the couch" her eyes widen in fear and tear up tiny bit  "oh yes it was only five minutes ago that person lied to me it still fresh in my mind, do you wanna see there eye balls they are really pretty? " she nods her head as tears slip down her ocean eyes hmm if she even lies to me once I will take those eyes. I let go of her mouth and she does not scream but sit there quietly waiting for her questions. "now where is Marco Denhound?  " with a trembling hand she points over to a closet , I walked over to it, open the doors to a tied up Marco Denhound, I quickly untied him then picked him up gently and carried him over to a couch slowly lay him down on it. Covered him up with a blanket that was over the side. With that done I walk back over to Miss. Scarlet "now why did you take over the Red liliacs? " I asked her but she looked scared "s s s she asked me to " she says in a shaky voice "who is she? " she tremble "Монстр" (Monster)  I frown at that "I I can't say.. " I growled she flinched " won't or force not to? " I asked with venom in the tone she curled into a ball and hesitated to tell me she was about to lie "won't " she says I pluck out her eye as I cover her mouth to hush her as she screams "what did I say about lying to me? " I asked her "don't " she says in muffled sobbing voice "and what did you just do? "  I asked her with more venom in my voice " I lied" she sobbed out quietly "why did she sent you here" I asked her, she shakes her head "why did this monster sent you here" I asked again with my patience running thin. Again she shakes her head no, I cover her moth and pluck out her other eye she scream and sob at same time "this is the last time you van answer before your death, why did monster sent you here? " she just shakes her head no, with that I gut her open and she dies. I graved her by her head and dragged her out the door as soon I open and left down the hall with Scarlet dead body there were cheers of happiness ringing out as I drag scarlet by her hair as soon I got to the step I toss her dead body to the ground below "you can beat  her up if you want " as soon I was done speaking that so many people started to beat her up, I grab paper that was near the stairs along with a marker and string and hole puncher made my sign then collect ripe at the bottom of the stairs.

                       Does his thang

as soon I was done I grabbed the dead body out sign on her put loop on her neck then halue her ass up tied the end rope around a callum just as the front doors open to reveal the devil

"Will about time, you asshole"

A. N.
it 1 in the morning I am about to pass out so here the chapter

4 of 6 done

bye souls

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