we're so screwed...

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Next morning)
Yn p.o.v.
"mmmm.."i groaned waking up from the burning sun's rays the shone in my room,which woke me from my sleep. Its Saturday,and i have nothing to do! I rolled over in the bed putting my face in the pillows. The doorbell rung,and i whinced.

"Brit....get the door..please!",i whined.. She didnt respond so i roll out the bed,onto the floor,and picked myself up. I had on a tank,and some shorts with a blanket wrapped around me. I looked in Brit's room,and saw her and Ray laying sleep. I rolled my eyes,and tried to get Kiyah,but her door was locked. I huffed,and puffed down the steps,and saw Mira passed out on the sofa. I grabbed a pillow,and rammed her face.

"I know you heard the door!",i said tossing the pillow back on the sofa. She groaned,and i smirked answering the door.

Prince was standing there with a white v-neck tee,and black skinny jeans."Hi.",he said with a smile.

"Boy it is too early for all this!",i said signaling him to come in. "So whats up?",i said closing the door behind him,and putting my hands on my hip.

"Ray here?",he asked looking behind me...His eyes got big,and i turned around to see nothing. I arched my brow at him.

"You alright?",i asked."And he's upstairs with Brit."He looked back up the steps,and when i turned to see what was there he grabbed me,and bite my lip. I felt numb all over,and fell to the floor.
Prince p.o.v.
Ohh shit! I just bit Yn. I had to. Marquesha was there with her sinister smile waiting to attack.! I panicked.

"Yn...",i heard Mira stir.

I grabbed Yn before Mira lifted her head from the couch,and carried her back to the house. I guess Prod caught on to my message,cause he scooped up Mira,bitting her on the neck,and was headed back to the house aswell. Ray was already with Brit,and Kiyah was already changed so there's no one for Marquesha now,but we know she'll be back. We layed the girls on our beds,and waited for them to awake...man,,,we're really screwed.


Qok first things first...NEW CHARACTERS!! lol they will be in the next episode video tho!! lol im a lil hyper right now. waiting on ABDC!!
Mira p.o.v.
I popped open my eyes,and saw only darkness. I was in a room,and there was clothes layed on the bed for me. I went in the bedroom's bathroom,and did my hygiene stuff,and threw on the clothes . I went back into the bathroom to fix my hair,but noticed something different...my eyes. They were a blue-ish grey,and i looked a bit pale. I stepped into the hall of this house,and heard a tv. I followed the noise till i got to a living room,and saw Prod and Prince. They turned to look at me,then Yn appeared by my side wearin sexyness  . Her eyes was different too...

"Thank goodness your awake."Prince said walking up to us,with Prod behind him.

"You alright?"Prod asked pulling me towards him,and sittin me on his lap.

"Yea...but my eyes.."i said.

"Look",Prod said holding my hand,and looking down. "We need to talk."
Kiyah p.o.v.
I havent slep all night. I keep thinking about what Roc said. The night kept replaying in my head. I pulled myself together,and threw some random stuff on  walked over to the mirror,and jumped out my skin when i saw Roc in the reflection. He came up to me,turning me around. He put me on the dresser,and came in between my legs,giving me a soft kiss.

"Miss me",he said in a low tone,and i could feel his breath on my lip.

"Stop",i said pushing him back,and he flew across the room.

"Mmm,strong and fast. Damn girl! I loving you more and more each day.",he said smaking my ass.

I rolled my eyes,and looked into the mirror. I had baby blue eyes.

"Aww boo"Roc said wrapping his arms around me."We both have blue eyes!"

"God i hate you! Now where are my friends.",i asked moving out his embrace.

"My place.",he said sitting on the bed.

"Mmm,come on lets go there."I opened the door,and he came next to me.

"Race ya!",and we took off.
Brit p.o.v.
"Brit.....Brit.....Brittany!!!",was being yelled in my ear... I woke up slapping Ray in the face.

He picked me up,and raised me to the ceiling."Put me down!"I yelled playfully.

I jumped on the wall,and onto him. We fell back on the bed,and kissed.

"I see you slept good."he said pushingmy hair back.

"Yup!"I said jumping off him,and running into the bathroom. I did my morning routine,and put some clothes on .I was looking in the mirror,and viewing my eyes. Ray came in,and stood beside me smiling.

"You look beautil bae...I've never seen eyes like yours."he said kissing my cheek.

I couldnt help but blush...I checked the house,and no one was there. Ray said they were probably at the guys house,so we headed there. I thought being a vampire would change me,but i feel the same.

"Oh you have no idea what your in for.."Ray said assuring me.

"Boy stop reading my mind!"

....yea...lol ok but like i said,new video with the extra characts...probably,and i just want to let them know that two of the new characters are Hannah(mixxprincess),and Gia(georgiamc555). um the other two girls are friends of mine (u know who u r) n yal will know the new guys ;)) ahehe

Now for the rest of u im probably gon pick yal as lil extras in New Kid or sum,ion know yet...but i still think this boring. i think i can do better sometimes. like i hve my ideas and stuff but when i get ready to write i just go blank.

Be honest...

Am i a good writer?

Anything i could improve? If so,what is it?

Tell me everything you have to say...

And do i own up to my promises? Haha yes,cause i did that marathon,but this is ur survey...lol



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