-Bᴜʀsᴛᴇᴅ Pɪᴘᴇ-

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-Sammy POV-

I sighed and flopped myself down on the couch. I was tired, that's for sure...Norman snorted and then started laughing as I did the same. "What is wrong with this studio!" He mumbled through his laughing. I calmed down and smiled. "I don't know! It's damn crazy though!"

I sat up and looked at Henry who was looking at the ground with his hands on his lap. He looked stressed out, I could tell. Norman stopped laughing and looked at me. "What's wrong, Sam?" He asked. I pointed to Henry as Norman turned his head to face him. "Henry? You good?" He asked. Henry looked up at Norman and smiled slightly, nodded, then looked back down again.

I sighed and stood up, walking over to the front door. "Sammy? Where are you going?" Norman asked. I looked back at him and smiled. "I just need a little time alone...I'm just gonna go walk around the studio...maybe check on the Ink Machine...I'll be back...!" I said as I opened the front door and walked out, closing it before Norman could say another word.

I decided to actually go check on the roaring machine to see how it was running. I begun walking to the Ink Machine room. The floorboards were creaking and the ink on the walls were dripping. It was creepy, but isn't it always?

I finally arrived at the Ink Machine room, only to find a pipe had burst. I groaned in annoyance as I grabbed a stool that was by the doorway and walked over the the pipe. I placed the stool under it as ink poured on top of it. "Damn it..." I mumbled under my breath as I walked over to the corner of the room and grabbed a wrench and a few other things.

I walked back to the stool and placed a foot on one of the steps. I took in a deep breath as I climbed up it, successfully not slipping.

I growled as ink poured onto my head. "DAMN IT! WHY AM I EVEN DOING THIS!?" I yelled in anger. "You know what...I'm already up here...just get it done..."

I sighed and begun fixing the pipe. It slowly stopped spraying ink everywhere as I had finally fixed it. I took a deep breath and wiped the ink off my face.

After making sure the pipe was fixed I was about to step off the stool, until the pipe then again burst, this time harder. I screamed as I slipped off the stool onto the floor as ink slowly flooded the floor. I coughed as ink was in my mouth, but it was to late to get it out. I sighed and looked at my now bloody hands as I laid on the floor.


Everything was blurry. I could barely see. It was all Black with patches of seeable blurriness. "SAMMY!" Norman yelled in a worried tone. I felt his hand on my cheek as he tried to get me to respond. But all I could get out was a slight gasp or a groan.

Norman then picked me up and stood. "What were you thinking! You hurt yourself trying to fix a burst pipe that probably would have been fine!" Norman scolded me. I tried to see him, but it was all so blurry. He wiped the ink off of my eyes, but I could still only see blurriness.

"Norman! What happened!?" Henry asked in a slight yell. "He tried to fix the pipe and is now severely injured!" Norman explained. Henry ran over to us and sighed. "Sammy...what were you thinking..."

"Henry...we heard everything...what do you need us to do?" Allison asked as she walked in with Tom behind her. "Get Wally in here to fix the pipe and get Linda in here as well..." a Henry said. Norman then smiled slightly with tears of worry in his eyes. "Don't worry, Sammy...you're going to be okay..."

-Word count: 670-

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