Lore Guide, Kinda (Revamped)

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A/N: What's up lovelies? As promised I have decided to create a short 'guide' for my AU Runterrearth (rune-tear-earth). So here we go, first up is the regions of Runeterra and how I will not so seamlessly fit them together! You can create an affirmed opinion if I'm right or wrong at this canon website: https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/

 I think it's canon considering it's connected to Riot. I also realize that K/DA is supposed to be an AU from the actual Legends Universe. Yeah...I screwed up, sue me (please don't I have no money), it's why I'm creating this guide. To try to create more of my world, that's not actually my world...let's just get to this. Also sorry this took a little while to make I kinda was postponing the release cause of problems with the backstory.

Edit: Remade! Characters are older and such. Now this is the fore front so people can get an idea. Ummm. Not all humans destroyed. Some countries still have their names, they just have different places on them, and some of the countries were replaced with different Empires. The group is aged up, and closer in age to make sense. Cause why would 12 year old's actually make friends with 8 year old's. Story now starts in 2018. However, they all kept in contact so they know what's going on with each other. 


Bandle City: Does not exist. I will have it like the Lost City of Atlantis, The Fountain of Youth, and The Seven Cities of Gold, purely a myth. Or is it?

Bilgewater: Located near the Bahamas.

Demacia: Its capital is located at the Northern Border of Italy, spreads upwards to the Netherlands.

Ionia: Located in the Korean Peninsula. Hidden away unless granted access.

Noxus: Its capital is located at the Western Border of Turkey, it spreads up into all of present day Russia.

Piltover: Located where NY in the US is.

Shadow Isles: Hawaii turned into the Shadow Isles.

Shurima: The old tribes are now located in Namibia, cause of the dry arid conditions, and it was located in the southern portions as well as oases.

Targon: Located in the Himalayan Mountains.

The Freljord: Centrally located at the Eastern Border of Russia.

The Void: Think of it as a myth too, or maybe the underworld. Inputted in some religions.

Zuan: South of Piltover, also took over the abandoned subway systems of Old Piltover/New York City.

Now you may be wondering, why didn't you just make Runeterra it's own continent?...Two reasons. 1, I'm stupid, 2 I'm pretty sure it's too big for that. There are literally such extreme changes that if I were to make it a continent on Earth, there probably wouldn't be enough room to squeeze it in without moving around other continents and that just seemed like too much work.


    On Earth, magic had always existed. However, it very rarely manifested within a human, and even then it only gave them above average strength or made them talented within a specific field. Magic had also previously been channeled through wishing upon specific objects. Slowly and surely magic had begun to integrate with our universe, seeping into the seams of it, becoming one with it. It was 2020 BGME (Before Greater Magic Era, think of 2020 CE(Common Era, right now) as the time) when the first human who could harness magic was born. Suddenly more magic users appeared around the globe. The humans weren't exactly happy. Most believed the magic users to be unnatural, unholy, tainted (in all honesty it was born out of jealousy.). This reignited the Witch Hunts. To solve this problem magic users began to harness their incredible power, and weaponized it. Some created physical beasts to protect them. Others began to create spells to harm the humans hunting them. During this time a colony of magic users formed a hidden village. They named it Ionia. 

As the humans became more aggressive, so did the magic users. By now magicians and spell casters had begun to think themselves as better than the humans, higher beings selected by the gods. And when the humans launched a full-scale attack on the magical community, the magic users fought back with great force.. A terrible war was fought and in the end it was the magic users who came on top. They slaughtered most of the humans and destroyed a lot of the harmful energy producing powerplants. Without a lot of pollutants in air, nature soon began to flourish. With magic now seeped deep within the earth, fauna, and flora mutated. Soon plants gained magical properties, some becoming sentient and malicious. New beasts arose each more terrifying than the last. Hawaii became a central-point for the weird, the supernatural. Magic shattered the barriers between the spirit realm and the human world. This poisoned Hawaii, leaving it uninhabitable. Soon malicious spirits came out of the tear between worlds, Hawaii became the Shadow Isles. Then the Rune Wars came. The fight for the World Runes and the fights with one another began. Great Nations fought and fell. Billions died. 

2010 GME (Greater Magic Era), an 12 y/o Y/N meets four girls. 14 y/o Ahri the last Vastayan, 14 y/o Evelynn a demon, 12 y/o Akali, and 14 y/o Kai'sa. Two years later he moved. Fast foward 8 years, and now he lives in Piltover, and attends Piltover Academy. 


Ahri- The last Vastayan. She left shortly after you did and was labeled the most talented new Kpop artist in the 2013 Pop Shine Awards. She released 5 hit single in 2 years, and then left the industry for 3 years, only to reappear on the music scene with K/DA's hit single POP/STARS. 

Evelynn- After you left Evelynn felt as if a hole went through her heart. To fill it she began collecting fast cars, soon she delved into romantic relationships. After she found that they couldn't fill that part of her life, she began to turn or rather became more aggressive. She became more demanding, going to the point of leaving several pop groups for not meeting her standards. Eventually, she reconnected with her close friend Ahri after releasing two hit singles.

Kai'sa- Kai'sa moved a month after you did. She first moved to the desert, and after an incident almost paralyzed her, she realized how much she wanted to be in the music industry. She moved to 10 different countries before settling back down in Ionia where she found herself reacquainted with her old friends Ahri and Evelynn. She is named after an old legend of a small girl who fell into the Void.

Akali- Akali was distraught after you left. And after everyone else left, she began to rebel against her family. She began starting fights and vandalizing walls before she started to get into rap, she still tags wall though. She went viral at 15 in an infamous rap battle, before randomly appearing on street corners rapping. Eventually, she was "discovered" by Ahri through social media, and joined K/DA to be back together with all her old friends.

Y/N- You moved to America, specifically Piltover because of your father. You began to practice playing various instruments and singing, after listening to one of Ahri's hit singles. As a result you became rather popular as an anonymous Youtuber. You also met Vi, becoming close friends after she stood up for you in school. Together you went to Hextech Academy, a trade school for engineering and talent. Even though you want to go full time into YouTube, you thought it wouldn't be a bad idea to have a second option. Vi joined the police but was forced to go to HA to learn how to properly use police gadgets, and because she was technically too young to join.

Seraphine- You do know her, and sometimes talk to her at school, however you aren't particularly close.

A/N: I'll update with an actual chapter but Sunday earliest. Wednesday the latest.

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