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Being ignored works fine until you realise you're being ignored.

I can take the fact that being depressed makes others feel uninterested in you, but I truly don't feel like I ask for much. I just want someone to care about me? Someone I can message during the day who I won't feel I'm burdening. Who can remind me that I'm enough, that I matter. That they love me. Someone I can get to know better or discuss old times with or rely on when shit gets hard. Someone I can love.

Also the point of a dating app is to talk to the people you match with. Not sit there silently or ignore their messages. That doesn't help anyone. Maybe it just helps their egos.

I think I need to cry again. But again, there is no trigger. No "you can cry now" moment. No reason for the tears to start flowing or for sympathy to be flowing in. I don't think I want sympathy, but just to know someone's there

Everything I'm doing is a cry for help. But nobody seems to care enough anymore.

But I did have this thought though. Why don't we normalize breakups? They happen. They're shit and they suck but they happen. And it doesn't have to be all 'he said/she said'. We can be friends, we've already gone through the friends phase. And also, can you imagine seeing your ex when you're 70 or 80 and still being mad at them? No? Then get over it now. See them when you're 70 or 80 and greet them with a hug and a smile. Talk to them. Talk to them now if you can, if you should. 

I also thought of a line from a script I wanna write. Here it is;
Person 1: "What do you call a creative person when they're depressed?"
Person 2: "I dunno, what?"
Person 1: Depressed. It's called depression, dumbass; whether you're creative, nerdy, sweet or sour, its all depression and it all sucks.

Poems of a Broken ManOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz