in which the author loves ezran and shakespeare

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1. White denial - aka the denial of racism, systemic inequality, police brutality, etc. White denial comes in many forms; e.g. denial of fact, denial of awareness, denial of responsibility, and denial of impact. Denial of fact is exactly as it sounds, such as when white people refuse to acknowledge that white privilege is real or that American society was built on slavery and racist ideals. Denial of awareness is related to willful ignorance, where white individuals try to claim things such as "I didn't know racism was still around!" despite the continued existence of groups like the KKK, Neo-Nazis, etc. Denial of responsibility is the denial that structural racism exists; there is no question that the social ladder of America is climbable almost solely for white individuals (and always at the expense of BIPOC). Lastly, denial of impact is, "But I didn't mean it like that!" Who cares if you didn't mean to be racist? You still were! If you accidentally step on someone's foot, you apologize and watch where you're walking in the future; you don't tell them, "But I didn't mean to kick you!" White people, acknowledging our privilege and calling out white denial when we see it is crucial in becoming actively anti-racist; we must make anti-racism a daily practice in our lives. (Information condensed from @ soyouwanttotalkabout on Instagram.)

Bonjour vous-autres! Comment ça va? I hope you're all beaucoup bien! (Working on my LA French. It's quite a lengthy learning curve, lmao.) This chapter spotlights Ezran, because he deserves all the love and it's been too long since we've seen him in this fic. I hope you enjoy! :)


Callum's phone started buzzing loudly in his pocket, the alarm reminding him that he needed to leave and pick up Claudia from her audition. "Sorry, guys," he apologized to his dad and brother, laying down his cards face-up. "That's my cue to exeunt." Even though he was the only one who understood the pun, it was still satisfying. And totally worth the weird looks given to him.

"Where are you going?" Ezran asked curiously after a beat passed, while Callum put his phone and sketchbook into his satchel. "You don't have any classes today, and you have no reason to go to the football game tonight because Rayla isn't playing."

"Ez, you know way too much about my daily life," Callum said, amused, pulling his satchel over his shoulder. "But if you want to know that badly, I'm going to Seton Hall. Claudia needs me to pick her up from her audition today."

"Oh, did she try out for Macbeth?" Harrow asked, shuffling Callum's cards back into the draw pile. "I know they're starting production for that soon."

Really, why did everyone seem to know KSU's theatre schedule except for him?

Actually, as head of the college, it'd be pretty embarrassing if Harrow didn't know. So Callum supposed his dad was a tolerable exception. "Uh, yes? I'm pretty sure she did."

Harrow nodded. "Good for her. She's no doubt going to receive an excellent part."

"Oh my gosh, Claudia would be the best Lady Macbeth!" Ezran gushed, clasping his hands together as his eyes widened and practically twinkled in excitement. "Callum, you have to take me with you so I can talk to her about her audition and what part she thinks she got. Pretty please?"

No wonder Rayla and Ezran got along so well. Callum still didn't understand the appeal of Shakespeare, and he doubted he ever would. "I mean..." He shrugged, glancing at Harrow. "Dad, do you need Ez to stay at home for any reason?" He wasn't opposed to his brother tagging along. At least then he'd have someone to chat with while he waited for Claudia to finish.

Harrow shrugged. "I guess not. I can go help Opeli in the office while you two are gone. Just make sure to text and let me know when you're heading back, okay?"

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