Draco malfoyxreader (Fun afternoon) SMUT

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WARNING ⚠️ smut and daddy kink

You are on the train and you are sitting with Hermione Harry and Ron you are excited for your 5th year at Hogwarts you get there and start unpacking you share a dorm with Hermione you start walking to potions class when warm hands with cold rings pull you into a dark closet you are freaked out you turn and it's your enemy Draco Malfoy ewww malfoy get away from me you say (but really you wanted him to pull you closer than ever) he says Y/n your so pretty and hot 🥵 he grabs your waist leaving indents of his rings on your hips and he pulls you closer you decide to mess with him and you push your waist on him so hard he gets knocked into the wall he lets out a soft moan into your ear he then hands you a note that says "meet me in my dorm after potions class don't be late~draco m" you go to potions and your making a love spell whatever you smell is your soulmate you smell mint and apples and then turn to draco and say dang draco I can barely smell anything with all the cologne your wearing today he laughs and says I'm not wearing Any cologne today your face turns red and you are about to leave he whispers into your ear don't be late! And you say I won't you walk to his dorm you knock no answer then you just open the door and don't see anyone when you shut the door cold hands grab you by the neck and pin you up against the wall he says hey baby your just on time and you say I would never show up late he starts kissing you slowly and moves down to your neck sucking and biting and kissing you slowly and then he starts kissing you even harder and he picks you up and throws you into his bed he starts undressing you and takes of your shirt he starts sucking on your collar bone and kissing it so softly and then you start to unbutton his shirt and he races to take it off you unlatch his belt and throw it across the room you pull down his pants and he does the same to you he says "bloody hell" per usual and he unlatches your bra and takes it off he kisses you everywhere up and down and up and down and all around he then takes of your underwear as you do to him and he goes deep inside of you in and out and in and out and in and out again you can barely talk your moaning so much your struggling to breathe and he stops because he knew you were about to finish and he says now I'll continue if you do something for me you say what? Anything to make you continue he says you do whatever feels right and when I think I'm ready to continue I'll tell you you say ok you make him stand up next to you as you grind your ass across his front he moans so loud you think people heard but you don't even care at this point he says "thanks baby" and continues he kisses you all over and I mean ALL over everywhere not missing a single spot your eyes are rolling to the back of your head as your finishing up and he says "you like that" and ur moaning so hard you can barely talk but you manage to say y-y-y-essss and then you wake up completely naked and lying in dracos completely naked body you say OMG WE ARE GOING TO BE LATE NO ONE CAN KNOW I WAS HERE you get dressed and walk to class everyone is staring at you and draco giggling and you ask everyone "what are you staring at " hermione turns to you and says your wearing dracos shirt and Draco is wearing yours and both of your faces turn red and you both go to the bathroom and change and then head back to class as Draco is sitting next to you he keeps putting his hand on your thigh and griping it so hard he leaves snake marks from his rings and then he starts putting his hand farther and farther up you skirt and grab his hand and shoot straight up because you got way too many goosebumps to have during class and Harry saw what happened and stares at you too with disgust you leave class and tell draco you have to go he says ok see you later princess and you say "bye daddy" and then he stands straight up rlly stiff and you could tell by saying that you sent good shivers down his spine

You are on the train and you are sitting with Hermione Harry and Ron you are excited for your 5th year at Hogwarts you get there and start unpacking you share a dorm with Hermione you start walking to potions class when warm hands with cold rings ...

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