Draco malfoy Party (short fluff)

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WARNING ⚠️ none just a cute little fluff of a tipsy y/n

Hey lots of people were Complaining about punctuation and it's all put together and not separate and I get that but the thing is I said it out loud onto my phone I never typed any of it and I just did this as a joke but for this one I will do it and I'll also be taking requests from Characters so let me know and let's do this!

~~~~~~~~ btw thx for sort of blowing up my story! Love you all 🥰

Your walking down the corridor with Harry Ron and heroine your best friends the night before you guys went to a party in the slytherin common room everyone went.

                                                   ~The night before~
"Hello everyone let's get this party startedddddd" then the beat dropped and music started playing you and hermione stuck together just in case (btw if you ever go to a party always go and stay with a friend you trust you just never know) Cedric walks up to you both clearly wasted saying hello ladies care for a drink you both happily declined his offer knowing you both had school tomorrow "y/n let's stay for like 30 more minutes then let's leave I hate the smell of alcohol" said hermione "yeah I get that mk we'll leave soon".

20 minutes later

"Y/N COME ON LETS DANCE" said wasted hermione Ron convinced her to drink of course. "fine" you say rolling your eyes but then get low comes on and you are dancing a drinking. When the song says low and low you start getting lower and accidentally grind on Fred he liked it. So you keep dancing with him draco sees you grinding on Fred and unplugs the speaker stopping the music he pushes everyone out of his way and pulls you off of him and says "y/n clearly your a bit tipsy let's take you to bed ok darling" ok- and then you pass out in his arms. He carries you and Ron carries hermione . You wake up in bed next to draco he's holding you tight and you've never felt more safe. You then start whining "oh my merlinnnn uhhhhhhhh my head hurts so bad whyyyy" draco walks over to you gives you a pill for your head and an ice pack and says " your hungover it's gonna hurt for a while but it'll be over soon I promise" ok malfoy thank you for taking care of me I love you "I love you too y/l/n".

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