Draco malfoy (Close the curtains) HEAVY SMUT

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WARNING ⚠️ heavy smut anger touchy-feely public nudity

Your dorm window is right next to the quidditch field and when you and draco have sex it's in your dorm and one after noon the quidditch game is happening so you and draco are sitting ont he couch in the slytherin common room and he just keeps playing with you he is constantly touching you and whispering in your ear saying to go but you just stay still and he then grabs you and pulls you to your dorm (that's what you wanted you want him to take control) your smiling the whole time and when you enter he shuts the door by kicking it and starts kissing you and kissing your neck and collar bone and you fall back onto the bed and he starts undressing you and you start undressing him and while he's railing you you look out the window and see the whole quidditch team on their brooms staring at the both of you you jump up and cover yourself immediately while draco is grabbing your hips and saying oh come on who cares and you say I DO DRACO I DONT WANT AN AUDIENCE WHEN YOU FUCK ME he then gets up and gets dressed you to walk down to ghetto dinner the whole school is staring at you too and so to show everyone your officially his draco pics you up against the walk by your neck and starts kissing you and gives you hickeys down your neck and you moan really loud and then you walk back and sit down with hermione Ron and Harry and they all go ooooooo looks like someone has a sex toy and you say shove off he's not just my sex toy he's my boyfriend my best friend he's my one and only and Ron points behind you and you then and see draco he says "I'm your one and only?" You turn around stand up and kiss him and say yes draco you always have been


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