Instagram post - Newt ~ him

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@y/I/n ☞︎ your instagram name

@Newtsnewts ☞︎ newt

@QueenQueenie ☞︎ queenie

@AurorGoldstein ☞︎ tina

@Kowalskipastries ☞︎ jacob

@HA_TheseusScam ☞︎ theseus

@nannybunty ☞︎ bunty


@Newtsnewts my darling with baby animals 🥺____________________________

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@Newtsnewts my darling with baby animals 🥺

@y/I/n ughhhhh it was soo fluffyyyy!! Why'd we need to leave?

@QueenQueenie awww you're both so cute y/n! 🥺🥺❤️❤️

@AurorGoldstein replying to @QueenQueenie agreed 😊

@Kowalskipastries such a nice photo Newt

@HA_TheseusScam i like that you're having fun, but shouldn't you be focusing on your book Newt?

@Y/I/n replying to @HA_TheseusScam Theseus, but kindly, shut the fuck up.

@nannybunty awwww so sweet! Is that a new animal for the suitcase?

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@Newtsnewts apparently y/n took this with my phone when I was sleeping

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@Newtsnewts apparently y/n took this with my phone when I was sleeping...?

@Y/I/n you looked so peaceful...🥺

@QueenQueenie very cuteeee!
🔔*wedding bells* 🔔

@AurorGoldstein was that when you came and visited us in America?

@y/I/n replying to @AurorGoldstein Yeah, when we all fell asleep when watching a movie...blame it on Jacob's pastries

@Kowalskipastries replying to
@y/i/n hopefully in a good way?

@Newtsnewts replying to @Kowalskipastries always in a good way. 😊

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