Chapter 3

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My head was swimming. In short order, our lives were turn upside down and then spun around like a top. One second we're attacked by Mage hunters and the next we're chasing a Mage who could have been behind it all. Sadly, the thought of a Mage being the mastermind behind the events was as comforting as it was disappointing. Some things don't change.

Hopefully, it was only the one Mage so we can smack him around until it stops being funny. 90% of the Mages out there were living normal lives and had gained acceptance in their communities. We didn't need some dick hole with a superiority complex farting in everyone's pie like it's suppose to enhance the flavour.

Cathy grabbed me and crushed me into her armour for a hug. "You're getting that look on your face again."

"Which one?" My voice strained.

Cathy loosened up her grip. "The one where your childishly name calling people in your head."

"Close but not this time. Just wondering why Mages have to do what they do."

"You mean, be poo poo heads, right?" Cathy mocked.

I laughed. "Don't make me throw you overboard."

"You just need to relax." She released me from her hug. "It's too early to be fussing over all the details. Just try and enjoy the ferry ride."

I sighed. "Alright."

I repositioned myself so I could lean against Cathy. The afternoon ferry to the capital was always the busiest but being the King's advisor can have some benefits; like sitting with the much quieter troop's section instead of the civilian section. Three soldiers rode with a messenger and sat on the other side of the room so they could converse in private. Cathy and I had all the privacy in the world.

"It still blows me away that you have to be the one to tell me to relax. It still feels like yesterday that you were itching to run out after every bandit and adventure possible."

Cathy chuckled. "Oh, trust me. I'm still like that. Part of me is only telling you to relax so we can milk out this investigation for all the adventure we can get."

"What about the other part?"

"That would be that crazy part that loves you. You've been stressed and restless for a little while and I worry about you. I don't want you dropping dead from a heart attack or anything. Life would be too boring and pointless without you."

"Aww, I love you too." I smiled as I drew a blush from her. "You don't have to worry about me stressing with this. Today has been interesting and I'm more curious than worried about it."

She looked at me and read my face. "Half truth but I'll take it."

It didn't feel like a lie but I've learnt to trust Cathy when it comes to understanding me. Having spent two cycles inside my head, she somehow became an expert on me and can read me like a book. It also meant she could hide her true feelings like a pro. Luckily she was upfront about everything all the time. Or I'm just insanely gullible.

"Well, I'll have to make it a full truth then."

"OK." We were silent for a second before she continued. "Let's talk about what we've learned tody."

She repositioned herself to face me and I was forced to move off of her and sit straight. She chose a position to look me in the eyes while she talked to me and as much as I could stare into her eyes for hours she only did this for one purpose.

"Looking for something?" I asked playfully.

She smirked. "The usual. Any sign of insanity in your eyes."

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