Chapter 13

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The battle plan wasn't much different from a bandit ambush. The wagon had been disabled and the attackers surrounded their victims, waiting for their time to strike. Susan covered the left side of the wagon while her husband covered the right. Despite the attackers' numbers, they seemed to be easy pickings for the traders.

Some of the attackers saw us approaching and abandoned their attack, trying to make a break for it but becoming victim to Susan's fire attacks. Cathy rushed in to assist her and I headed for the husband. Of the two, he looked like the one that could use the most help.

A couple of the attackers made a run for it while an archer covered their escape. The archer released an arrow at me and I easily deflected it with a Pulse before releasing an Ice Bolt at him. He sidestepped too late and caught the ice in his right shoulder, dropping the bow. The attacker grabbed his shoulder and scurried off with his fleeing friends.

Two attackers remained and were putting the pressure on Mr. Donnelly. He had picked up a fallen attacker's sword to add to his own and tried to hold off his enemies. He struggled to divide his attention between the two and was slashed across his right arm, forcing him to drop one of the swords.

I charged up a Pulse and aimed it at the right attacker. As soon as it was released, I charged up an Ice Bolt and cast it at the left. The Pulse hit the attacker low and caused him to lose his balance and fall to the ground. His friend turned towards me to see who else was attacking and took the Ice Bolt in the chest.

The first attacker, enraged by being made a fool, scrambled to his feet as he charged at me. The possibilities to counter his attack were endless but with the injured trader bleeding, I decided to end the fight quickly. I focused my energy into both of my hands and a steady stream of fire erupted from them and covered the attacker completely. He kept running for me despite being covered in fire and I had to dive out of the way before he could tackle me. He stumbled as he missed and collapsed to the ground.

I looked down at Mr. Crispy and let out a breath in relief. "That was close," I muttered.

I scanned the area to find Riley but she had already made it over to Mr. Donnelly and started healing his arm. Cathy and Susan rounded around to the other side and we all gathered around Mr. Donnelly as Riley finished healing him.

He examined the arm and looked up at Riley impressed. "Thanks. " He turned to the rest of us. "All of you. That was a bigger group than normal out here."

"Even if they were amateurs," Susan added, turning to me. "I'm sure it's not just chance that you are out here, Advisor."

Susan was short, like making-Riley-look-tall short. Standing at a hundred and fifty centimetres, she didn't immediately cast the appearance of intimidation. Her blond hair was tied tightly and she stood with a look of displeasure on her face; not from the sight of us but from having seen the world and finding nothing to her liking.

"A report drew me out this way, however." I looked around at the bodies of the attackers. "What I heard was different than what I'm seeing here. Were these men mercenaries that offered to escort you?"

She looked confused and crossed her arms. "We don't use escorts. My husband and I can handle any bandit situation."

I nodded and looked down at the bodies again in confusion. Cathy kicked on so it lay on its back. "I think these are just normal bandits," she informed without looking up.

"I can't feel the stones in the area," Riley added.

Susan looked at me expectedly and I cleared my throat. "Let's start from the beginning." I explained everything from being attacked on the farm to talking with Jeff in point form. She didn't look like she wanted the long version and that was alright with me. "We were going to enter your building when the couriers left and explained that you had just left with a group of mercs. We made a connection between the Light and the mercs and set out to make sure you were alright. Looks like we've been duped."

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