Chapter 10

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Free from bondage and our cells, it was time to work out our next move. Being inside the Butcher's house meant he had nowhere to retreat to and hide but we had to assume that was part of his plan. Just like we had to assume that the entire camp would be on high alert. Breaking out the second we were put it wasn't the smartest plan but we couldn't risk the Light making the first move.

In my disoriented state, I didn't get the chance to check out the layout of the building. Cathy filled in the blanks by explaining the building was as boring inside as it was outside. Though we were in the basement cells, the corridors and rooms felt more like a prison. The theme wasn't homey in my opinion but it raised some good questions about the Butcher's mentality and past.

"He has to be an escaped convict," Riley pitched. "He'd been in jail so long that it became the only home he knew."

"How does that help us?" I asked curiously. "We already know he's not a regular church goer."

"Helps us get into his head when fighting him," Cathy answered. "The walls are plain and bare to keep things neat and calm and the rooms are structured to maintain control and order. Remove the calm and control from him and he could turn into an animal."

"Or he becomes docile," Riley suggested. "Like the Alpha male in a wolf pack. Prisons follow the strongest and biggest inmates. Take the leader down and the others follow you. If you prove to the Butcher that you are the Alpha, he'll do what you say.

"Interesting," I said thoughtfully then turned to Cathy. "You get to fight him then."

"Sweet," Cathy said happily.

"If the Light has been staying here than I wonder what effect the place has had on them," Riley mused.

"Perhaps the same mentality," I answered thoughtfully. "We'll have to watch our backs. Cathy, stick close until we can get you a weapon."

"My fists still work," she offered.

"Your call. Let's take this one level at a time. I have a feeling the Butcher will wait for us to eliminate the Light before making a move so we have time to work things in our favour."

"Second," Cathy agreed. "He's crafty. We'll 'tire ourselves out fighting the Light' and think we're sitting ducks. He'll wait to swoop in and take the glory."

"Anyway Natalie can maybe show us how to sneak out of here undetected?" Riley asked. "We don't need to fight him. Escaping the prison, taking care of his troublesome ally and slipping away while he looks for us might impress him enough that he just lets us go without issue."

"When we arrived, did you notice anywhere we could slip through?" I asked curiously.

"No, but my eyes aren't trained for that. Natalie got in somehow though."

"It's an option we'll run with." I nodded. "Alright, first floor, people."

I led the way up the small staircase and opened the door a crack. A large room lay on the other side with many tables scatter throughout. A couple of the tables had cards on them while others had empty plates and cups. The room was completely empty and when I opened the door fully, a group of four entered the room for the opposite side. They looked shocked to see me standing there.

"Don't bother calling for help," I said calmly, entering the room so my friends could join me. "You know nobody will come. How many more members does your chapter have?"

Two of the Light agents drew bows and the other two drew short swords. Riley held out her hand and a blue barrier formed in front of us. Power flowed down into both of my hands and a static energy caused my fingers to twitch uncontrollably.

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