Chapter 4

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"So what is it that is troubling you?" King Markus said, growing serious.

I motioned with my head. "Let's head over to the other table."

"I still have a couple more questions about magic," the Queen said, still worried about her daughter's new found abilities.

I stood up from the table quickly before Cathy could do anything. "Cathy can help you with any questions."

Cathy looked at me with a fake smile and a subtle death look. "OK, sounds like a plan."

I smiled and followed the King and Kyle away from the table. Despite being about three to four cycles older than them, they were taller, bulkier and featured more facial hair than I could dream of growing. Kyle kept his blond hair trimmed short at least. Not like Markus who sported the dead bush look.

The King sat down. "I get the feeling you're here for the same reason Kyle is here."

"You fought off assassins this morning too?" I sat down at the table causally knowing that both were probably looking at me shocked now.

I looked up at Kyle who just smiled. "How come you get all the fun?" he asked.

"Comes with the nose," I joked, turning to the King. "I checked out Riverside on the way here and there was an attack on another Mage too."

"There was an attack in Malkia on a well known Mage book seller last week," King Markus added.

For the first time, Kyle looked serious. "Our investigation showed nothing so I came up to see if there were more incidents. It was a pretty gruesome attack. Did you get a look at your attackers?"

"I did. It was the Light of Purity," I answered.

The King sighed. "Well, that's just great," he said sarcastically.

"Worse. They are, at the very least, being supplied with magic blocking runes by a Mage. We found him in Riverside but he gave us the slip."

"Well, now that makes things interesting. I assume that's why you're here. You're going to investigate this further?"

I nodded. "Yup, I'm here for the list."

King Markus laughed. "Which list? I have lists for everything; colours for guards uniforms to entries for the best pig contest. Void, Rachel's got a list of chores that I need to do. Did you want that one too?"

"I've got a list of food my wife can't eat," Lord Cook offered. "I'll add that to the mix if you need it."

I shook my head but laughed. "Only you would marry the girl allergic to food, Kyle," I joked. "Did the normal ones scare you?"

He smirked. "Right back at you."

"Careful what you say," I warned, watching Cathy approaching him from behind. "She can hear everything."

"I was careful this ti..." Cathy's smack upside his head prevent him from finishing.

"Hello, Lord Cook," Cathy greeted warmly.

Kyle rubbed his head. "Greetings, Madam Catherine."

The King turned to me. "The list of all the known Mages should still be in your office. Did you need anything else?"

"Has anyone kept tabs on the Light in Thurlborn while I was on vacation?" I asked.

"There wasn't much of a need but you could talk to Captain Matthews."

"Thanks. Are you still going to be alright if I'm out running around?"

King Markus smiled. "Technically, you're still on vacation for another week. What you do with your time is your business. I only have one favour to ask though. If you're going to do something that lands you in prison, make it a Balendar prison."

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