Chapter 12

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Most of the castles in Balendar followed the same architectural designs. Whether this was so the Lords could navigate each castle with ease or just laziness was up to debate but as Lord Kent led us through the colourful version of his home, I knew the library would be our destination before we arrived.

A fraction the size of the King's library and messier than some bandits' rooms, Lord Kent stopped us and looked in shock as he surveyed the room. I couldn't tell if anyone was currently in the room as I looked for safe passage through the sea of books.

The shelves barely held any books as the new librarian had chosen the floor as the perfect place to store the ones he didn't need. A quick look showed some popular fiction novels and lots of reference books I didn't recognise but whatever had classified as important were stacked twenty books high on the only table in the middle of the room.

"Sweet Creator of Life," Lord Kent muttered before crossing the room. "COOPER!"

His voice almost seemed to rattle the books as a head popped out from behind the table. The messy mane of red hair and thick beard suited the librarian and he stepped out to show the full dirty ensemble, complete with his shirt being on backwards and inside out.

"I think I see what he meant by odd," Riley whispered to us.

"What happened?!" Lord Kent asked, undecided whether to be disgusted, angry or curious.

"Well, I was looking for something," the mess known as Cooper said in his defense. "Found it. Lost it. Knew it was here somewhere. It couldn't have disappeared. Began searching. Couldn't find it again." He returned to his books. "I know it's here. It has to be. Words on paper don't change. I will find it."

Lord Kent shook his head and didn't look like he was in the mood to further the conversation. He turned to us and waved us over before turning back to Cooper. "Put the books down for a second and meet our guests. They have some questions about our magical residents."

Cooper dropped his book and quickly scanned around worried. "Guests?" We stepped forward and carefully stepped over the book piles. Cooper focused on us and looked confused for a second. "There ARE people here."

"Did you think I was making it up?!" Lord Kent asked.

"No...hard to tell sometimes...yes," Cooper answered, not taking his eyes off me. "You. I know you. Can't think. Too much noise. Your name?"

I chuckled. "Kairu."

"Presently," he replied, still studying me. "What about the past?"


"Is it? Perhaps." He started pacing. "You're here...must be important...or dangerous."


"I'm going to leave you to it," Lord Kent said quickly.

As he left, Copper stopped pacing and looked at the girls. He pointed and looked at me. "Real? Or have I forgotten to sleep again."

"I'm guessing both," Cathy answered.

I pointed at Cathy. "My wife and Knight Protector, Cathy." I pointed at Riley. "Dr. Riley Simpson."

He nodded. "Cooper."

"No last name?" Riley asked.

"Belonged to my parents," he answered. "Didn't know them, don't need their name. You're here about Mages and the Light attacks. Tragic." He returned to his books. "Heard about attack in Riverside from Donnelly. Knew I needed protection. Came to castle."

"How'd you get this job?" I asked, trying to recognise a title from his selected books.

"Tricked Lord Kent." He tossed a book I was looking at to the floor and grabbing a different one. "It's my talent. Make people think they know me. Implant memories. Getting inside gives me access to library and could study protected."

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