Chapter 11

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No other way to do this confrontation that to just walk out and join our enemy in the camp centre, we left the stone prison and walked briskly to join the Butcher. They could have easily been a hundred bandits within the camp and they were all on hand to witness the next part. If this escalated into a full war, we would surely be overwhelmed instantly.

"It took you longer than I thought for you to escape and deal with Bruce," the Butcher said smoothly. "I'm almost disappointed."

I shrugged. "What was the rush? Beside you know Bruce. Yak yak yak." A formed a little puppet with my hand and moved it like it was talking.

The Butcher chuckled. "Is he dead?"

"Of course," I replied seriously. "I'm a man of reputation after all."

"Yes you are," the Butcher said with a hint of respect. "Which is how I knew you'd play this game as a cheater." He motioned to Natalie. "Friend of yours?"

"My agent," I answered. "He's one of the best infiltrators out there."

"Yes, but sadly your move was predictable," the Butcher replied. "After I let him help you break out, I made my move."

"It was a good one," I admitted. "And I'm curious as to why he still lives. You must need something."

"You back in your cell, of course," the Butcher replied causally. "I like the ransom idea but I knew you'd show some defiance so I needed to show you that I'm not a man to screw with. Your agent will be killed, the women will become my men's playthings and you will return to your cell or I will kill all of you."

I crossed my arms and thought to myself. We were in a tight position and I needed a miracle to get us out of here. Cathy leaned in close and I leaned in so I could hear her better.

"He seems to like games," she whispered. "Why not one more? Challenge him to a duel of one on one."

I nodded in agreement and focused on the Butcher. "How about we have one more challenge?"

"No more games, Mage," the Butcher responded.

"If you were me, would you want to give up so easily? Give me one more chance to fight for the lives of my friends and myself before surrendering."

He looked thoughtful for a second. "What do you propose?"

"A one on one challenge. I win; I walk out of here with all of my friends alive. You win, I return to my cell peacefully."

He laughed. "If you think I'm stupid enough to battle a Mage one on one..."

"Then fight my knight," I interrupted, motioning to Cathy. "You kill her then kill my agent and all of my employees are dead and I can't possibly escape again."

"Very well," the Butcher said smugly. "This won't take too long at all. Many knights have fallen to my blade."

Cathy stepped forward and I stopped her. "Alive," I whispered.

"You're no fun," she joked. She turned and approached the Butcher. "I want my sword at least. Where's the little runt that made off with it." The Butcher motioned towards Cathy and a bandit hurried out and handed Cathy her sword back. She examined it closely then turned to the bandit. "You got lucky." She turned back to the Butcher and motioned to Natalie. "If you're going to fight like that, I could hold one arm behind my back."

The Butcher smiled and spun Natalie around. He immediate swung his sword at her and Natalie was able jump back, saving herself from being sliced in half but not from the sword itself. She cried out and dropped to the ground. I stopped Riley, who instinctive wanted to rush out and help her.

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