Chapter 8.2

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Now, I know that I didn't do all of the generals before Yamuraiha and Masur, but what I'm going to say is that Yamuraiha stays away from Jafar and hates his guts, so she wouldn't become his "friend". For Masur, he doesn't trust Jafar one bit and stays away from him at all costs, so he couldn't become a "friend" of his. (There's a reason I put "" for friends and you'll find that out in a later chapter) No question for this chapter! Also, as you can see, I added a picture! That means we're getting into some Sinja!


Sinbad had never felt so uneasy. The other day, he saw Yamuraiha walking around talking to herself at 2am. The day after that, he noticed that Jafar was hanging out with the other generals while Yamu was becoming further away from them. This entire situation was making him uneasy.

Slowly, he got up from his bed and made his way over to his balcony. The moonlight pierced his eyes, but he stayed staring at it. The moon always looked like the sea, so it was calming to watch it at night. For some time now, maybe even years, Sinbad had felt like something was missing in his life. But now, for some reason, it felt complete now. He only felt this way until Jafar came along.

Of course, Sinbad refused to see Jafar. That was mostly because he was busy, but also because he was afraid to even talk to him. Sinbad shut his eyes swiftly and let the wind take his long, purple hair flying around.

Suddenly Sinbad felt something wrap around his waist and he was pulled up to the roof. He turned quickly to see who it was and saw that it was Jafar. He had some wires and used them to pull Sinbad up there. Jafar didn't seem like he was going to do anything, so he sat down next to him. "What are you doing out of your cell?" Sinbad questioned.

Jafar didn't reply, only looking at the moon while smiling and Sinbad before going back to the moon. Sinbad was at a loss for words. How could Jafar be like this? Suddenly he turned into a cat and rolled up in Sinbad's lap. "I've missed this..." He whispered. Sinbad heard that.

"What do you mean, "you've missed this"? The moon?" Jafar shook his cat head.

"Laying in your lap." He answered. Sinbad felt his face flush. When had he ever gave permission for Jafar to sit in his lap!? Quickly, Sinbad picked Jafar up and set him down beside him. Pouting, Jafar turned back into a human. "Asshole..." Jafar whispered.

"I heard that."


"H-hey!?" Jafar snickered before looking back at the moon. He smiled even brighter as he reached out at it. Sinbad followed his hand to see he was reaching not only for the moon, but a star that was Sinbad's favorite. His dad, Badr, would always tell him stories about that star. "Why are you pointing at that star?" He asked. Jafar let his arm drop and his smile. He pulled his knees to his chest.

"I guess you really..." He whispered, this time, Sinbad didn't hear him. Jafar then looked at Sinbad. He smiled. "I always stared at it at night." He said. Sinbad nodded, understanding. That's when Sinbad got to the real question.

"Why are you hanging out with the generals?" He asked. Jafar huffed.

"Why? I can't have friends?"

"Not if you plan to turn them into Djinn's." Sinbad retaliated. Jafar chuckled, moving away from Sinbad a little. He looked at his hand.

"Because I...- I guess you're right. I don't have any right to hang out with them if I decide to kill them. I'll keep this is mind." Sinbad nodded, sadly. Jafar was being truly honest, but he was also lying about something. If only Sinbad could put his finger on it.

"Well, I wouldn't expect a 15 year old to understand how important their lives are." Sinbad tried to lighten the mood. Jafar huffed and leaned back.

"I'm 18, dumbass." Jafar retaliated.

"Oh, I see- Wait, what!?" Jafar nodded. "Oh um... you look a lot younger than that. Hehe." Jafar snickered.

"Well, I wouldn't expect an old man to understand my own age." Jafar retaliated again. Sinbad felt hurt. He hated people pointing out his age. He wished he could stay young forever. Slowly, he stood up and walked to the edge of the roof.

"Mind letting me down?" Sinbad asked. Jafar stood up as well and laughed.

"You're on your own, bud." He laughed out. Sinbad turned to him.

"You're the one who brought me up here-" Jafar had already ran off- "H-hey! Come back here!"

So, I accidentally put another chapter as 8.2 but this is the real 8.2. Don't worry, I got rid of that chapter, as it spoiled some stuff. But you guys got so close to getting a backstory from Jafar, but I was like, "nah. Let's have them wait." So yeah.

I also need to mention that Jafar's backstory isn't the same as the original one. I don't think that needed to be said, but if it needed to be, then there it is.

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