The shinning lake

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"I am leaving now madam, will come in the morning, don't go outside at night, stay in the home, it is not safe to stay outside at night, the place is very isolated, and it is too cold outside," Ramu kaka said.

"Okay, Ramu kaka, you go; we will take care of ourselves," Shalini said.

"Okay, madam, take care, goodnight," Ramu Kaka said.

"Goodnight, Ramu kaka," we said together.

“Hey, let’s go outside," Ruchi said.

"No, Ruchi, we should stay in the home only, did you forget what Ramu kaka said, it is not safe to go outside at night," Kavya said.

"Oh come on, you guys have become so boring, we came here to explore things right," Ruchi said.

"We came here to spend good time with each other, huh," I said, making a face on Ruchi.

But somehow, I too wanted to go outside on the backyards, have a good bonfire and sit and chill there taking a sip of beer.

"We can go for a while, but we have to be back soon, as its already late," Shalini said.

"Yeah even I wanted to go in the backyards, it is so beautiful, there is a garden, and beyond that garden, there is a beautiful lake, I saw it from the window," I said excitedly.

"Yes, please let's go, please let's do something, don't be so boring," Ruchi said.

"Okay, fine, let's go," finally, Kavya said.

We went outside towards the backyards, and it was cold and gloomy, we took some beer cans and a bedsheet along with us.

We started walking, we crossed the garden slowly, Ruchi's camera was always on, she was continuously taking photographs.

We proceeded towards the lake, and it was indeed beautiful, a cool breeze was touching my ear lobules, I was feeling cold.

"Let us go near the lake and set a bonfire; we can sit and chill there for a while," I said.

"But is it safe to stay here," Kavya said.

"Don't worry, it is not even a mile away from our house; we will sit there for a while and will be back soon,"

I said while collecting few planks of wood nearby to set a bonfire.

We set the blaze, lit the fire on with Ruchi's lighter.

Shalini and Kavya spread the bedsheet, we sat on it and started having the beers and chatted again.

The place was so silent, I was a little afraid but still was enjoying the moment with the darkness around the sky, and a few stars were twinkling, and the reflection of the stars was shining on the lake water.

An hour passed. Unexpectedly, I heard someone is sobbing.

“Hey, who is crying?" I asked.

"Yes, someone is crying," Shalini said.

"I don't know; is it because we all are a little drunk; that is why we hear all these sounds," Ruchi said.

"I think we should leave, and its already late," Kavya suggested with a tensed voice.

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