The real witch

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"Shalini, see what I found, I found this video clip on Ruchi's camera, it is showing, there was no witch, it was your uncle who did all these things," I said.

Shalini said: " No way, it can't be true, I can't agree with you; you are saying wrong things about my uncle, that is not correct."

"It is true Shalini, the video is showing everything, Suresh uncle attacked both Kavya and Ruchi, he will attack us too, let us run from here, he is a dangerous person, I don't know why on earth uncle did so, but he will kill us Shalini, let's go from here, we should leave the place immediately, I am terrified," I said in a fearful voice and was trying to convince Shalini.

She was not ready to accept this disgusting truth about her uncle.

"No way, I can't agree with you; you have a misconception; you are misunderstanding my uncle; he is not like this," Shalini yelled.

"How can I have the misconception, the video is clearly showing everything, you watch it yourself," I barked.

Shalini said: "The video is not showing the truth, dear, uncle is innocent, uncle doesn't want to harm you, it is me who wants all the body parts."

I was startled as hell by her words, "What the hell you are saying, Shalini, are you on your senses?" I snarled.

Shalini smiled and said: "Yes dear, I am telling you the truth, Suresh uncle is innocent, he was just following my orders, as I kidnapped her only daughter and for her sake, he has to follow my orders."

The ground beneath me was suddenly upside down after listening to her words.

"But why are you doing all these things? What wrong we did to you? Why you hate all of us? We were best friends forever, out of nowhere, why did you turn up like this? Why you started hating us?" I said, crying out loud. I could not believe my eyes, and I was horrified.

Shalini smiled again and said: "No dear, I don't hate you guys, you were always very close to me. I love you guys a lot, and I know if I get into any trouble, you guys will always help me out, so I am just taking the help from you all, dear."

"What the hell you are saying, you attacked Kavya and Ruchi, they are hospitalized and undergoing multiple surgeries, and all these are happening because of you, and you are saying we are helping you? Are you in your senses?" I shouted.

I felt disgusted by her words, her countenance and her voice troubled me like the presence of evil.

She laughed and said: "See, I love you guys a lot, but what to do since I was a topper from my childhood and you guys know very well, how much I love my studies, and concerned about my career. I love my profession more, my dear"

"What do you mean by that? What is the relation of your career and profession with Kavya and Ruchi's injuries?" I asked

Shalini said: "See, you know right, I am doing research and pursuing a Ph.D. Do you know my subject of doing research? I am studying various living body parts of human beings, which should not be from dead bodies as my study has to do within 24 hours of cutting the pieces. My last research had to perform on a leg, and a hand and Kavya and Ruchi helped me out with those two, and I am so grateful to them. Now it is your turn, my dear, this will be the last part which I need to complete my research, and I know you will help me out. As you are my best friend, how can you deny helping me out, I need your head dear to complete my research."



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The end

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