Who was there?

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We packed up slowly all our belongings and walked towards the house, but the sound was still intense.

A girl was sobbing, and I wonder who was there. As we walked towards the house, the voice started diminishing.

We were a little agitated but were suspicious too, as the place was so isolated and far from the city crowd.

There were just a few houses in the neighborhood that also was a mile or two away. I was a little worried about the thought that might be, there was someone who needed help and was in danger, but instead of helping the person we ran out from there.

"Don't worry, you guys, and I think it was just an illusion of ours as we were a little drunk. There was nobody," Ruchi said confidently.

Ruchi was very confident about anything. She was always a fearless girl with a robust character. She wanted to follow her dreams, but when nobody supported her, she left everyone, including her husband, and went alone to full fill her dreams.

I was a little tensed, but after listening to her, I too felt relaxed. But one thing was there if it was an illusion, then how can every one of us have perceived the same voice.

It was almost 1 A.M, and I decided not to think much about it and ruin our trip. We all were wondering about the voice, but we were not talking about it much.

We sat on the couch and started talking about other things. We kept on chatting about various things while drinking our beer.

Two hours passed, we were a little high at that time.
Suddenly, I felt someone was there outside the window. I stood up and said: "someone is there." "Who is there?

whom did you see?," Kavya asked

"I think I saw someone there outside the window," I said with a tensed voice."

"Oh god, not again, there is nobody; it is your beer which is seeing things," Ruchi said.
Everyone started laughing.

"I think we should go and sleep, it is already late, and now we are a little high," Shalini said, smiling.

We stood up and went to our respective rooms. I was wondering, am I drunk and imagining things, or someone was really there?

"Shalini, I don't know I am not feeling right here. This place is so quiet," I said to Shalini, who was lying beside me.

"Don't worry, dear, don't be afraid, you know how coward I am, but this place is not like that, it is fine, now you stop thinking about all these things and get asleep," Shalini said.

I somehow felt nice by listening to her, but the sight of that shadow was continuously haunting on my mind, I tried to get sleep, but whenever I tried to close my eyes, that shadow instantly came to my mind. I tried not to think much, I wanted to convince myself by thinking that I was drunk, so it happened.

Everything was rolling on my head like a fast roller coaster for hours.  After an hour or two, I finally slept.

“Aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh” somebody shouted so loudly, I just jumped up from the bed instantly.

“What happened? Oh my god!” Shalini said, jumping out from the bed.

"Somebody is crying; let us go and see," I said, hurriedly getting down from the bed.

We both ran toward the other room. It was dark we could not see anything, but we heard Ruchi's voice, she was crying like hell and was shouting.

We entered the room and switched on the lights. The sight I saw there made me fall from a considerable hill, and I could not say a word.

I saw Kavya was shivering like hell, sitting in the corner of the room, folding her legs, closing her eyes and crying like hell.

And there she was, Ruchi, lying on the bed, shouting and crying in pain, covered with blood, one of her arms was missing, a splash of blood was coming out of her right shoulder.


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